Chapter 23

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Bella POV

I hung up the phone partly because I was scared to hear anymore. Was that their plan all along?

I ran to Nash's room.

I knocked on the door. No answer. I knocked again. Still no answer.

"Nash!" I yell. "Hayes?" I say a little quieter realizing I probably woke up the hotel.

"What?" Nash says opening the door. It looks like I just woke him up. He didn't look happy either.

"I just got a call from Ryder and something's wrong." I said.

"What do you mean something wrong?" He asked clearly annoyed.

"He called me-" Nash cut me off.

"Your probably over reacting, like usual." He said rolling his eyes and shutting the door clear on my face. I felt hurt more then I should be. Did he really just do that? I don't know what his problem is. I knocked a couple more times but he was ignoring me. I huffed and walked away.

I went back to my room to find everyone already up.

"Hi" I said walked over to me and Cameron's bed and sitting down.

"Thanks for waking me." Jack g said and rolled his eyes. Well he's sassy today.

"It was my phone not me." I said rolling my eyes.

"But it was your phone." He said just trying to get me mad now.

"But it wasn't my fault!" I yelled back defensively.

"If you to would stop flirting or arguing or whatever your doing." Jack j said and went into the bathroom to get away from us.

"We are not flirting!" I yelled at him through the door. Jack g just rolled his eyes.

"Who's flirting with who?" Taylor asked walking into our room with out knocking or anything.

"Nobody's flirting." I said quickly then again jack g rolled his eyes. What was his problem? He used to be so sweet.

"Ready for magcon?" He asked looking in the mirror and fixing his bandana.

"I gotta get dressed." I said looking through my suitcase. I really should have packed better things I wear.

"Just wear this." Cameron said pulling random things out of my suitcase.

"Ew no" I said shaking my head at the bad choices of clothes I decided to bring.

After 15 minutes of yelling and throwing clothes everywhere i decided on a simple outfit. Shorts and a Aaron carpenter shirt. I put my hair in a side braid and I was finally ready.

Taylor was being very patient compared to jack, jack and Cameron who already left the room.

"Thanks for waiting." I said giving him a smile.

"Anything for you." He said kissing my cheek. I looked down because my face felt like it was on fire.

"Oh I have something to make your outfit 10 times better!" He said jogging to his room. I followed.

We walked in on the empty room. I looked around and noticed how it was so dirty I couldn't see the floor. I laughed at how these boys manage to ruin a room in a matter of a few days.

He was digging threw his suit case until he yelled "got it!" He pulled out a red bandana and rapped it around my head.

While he was rapping it around my head we looked each other straight in the eyes. The bandana fell to the ground and he pushed me against the wall.

He started kissing me. And when I say kissing it was a full make out session. I had never done this before. The most I had kissing a guy was a quick peck of the lips. But it felt good. It was different. It felt good but I knew deep down it was wrong, but yet I didn't stop him. Something about this whole moment made me want it to never end.

He pushed me onto the bed and tugged my shirt. But I refused to take it off. I wasn't comfortable like that with Taylor.

"Taylor I can't." I said getting up and picking the bandana off the ground.

"Bella I'm so sorry." He said and put the bandana around my head.

"It's not your fault." I said looking down and walking out the room. We walked down into the lobby in silence.

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