Chapter 24

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Bella POV

It felt like it took hour to reach the lobby but in reality it took two minutes.

We didn't hold hands. We didn't do anything. We just walked.

I saw all the guys so me and Taylor went our own ways. I walked up to Hayes and Nash.

"Hi Hayes!" I said smiling and completely ignoring Nash.

"Hi?" Hayes said confused while Nash just rolled his eyes and walked away.

"What happened with you two?" He asked.

"Long story" I said and he nodded knowing that I was to lazy to tell the story.

"Why aren't you hanging with Taylor?" He asked.

"Uh..I..we.." I stuttered.

"Are you guys fighting again?" He asked.

"No" I said becuase we weren't really fighting. "He just wanted to do something that I didn't." I said looking down.

"Wait what!" Hayes said pushing my head so I was looking at him but before he could ask anything Cameron came over.

"Cmon guys we gotta start walking" he said grabbing both of our hands and speed walking to the rest of the group.

I managed to loose Hayes in the crowd of guys.

I saw Matt waving and I started to walk over when I saw Jess with him. (A/N that was the girl at the pool who was all over Matt)

I stopped walking and turned around. I thought Matt had changed. But it doesn't matter what Matt does because I am done with him. I had to keep telling my self that.

I ended up walking and talking to jack and jack. We just talked about stupid little things until we arrived to were magcon had to be held.

All the guys went different ways so I just walked to a chair and sat down. I played on my phone until I heard someone sit across from me. Assuming it was one of the guys I didn't bother to look up until I heard a girl voice say "it's rude to ignore people" then my head shot up and saw Jess sitting there with an evil smirk.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"I'm just here to tell you that Matt doesn't want you." She said loudly chewing on her gum.

"Me and Matt have talked about it and were done." I said not wanting to start a lot of trouble.

She laughed. And while she laughed I studied her. She was wear a crop top that was two sizes to small and short what didn't cover much. I didn't think Matt went for these types of girls.

"Neither does Taylor." She said still slightly laughing.

"That's not true." I said defensively.

"And while your at it, could you stop being such a slut." She said.

Tear formed in my eyes but I would not cry in front of her.

"You can leave." I said because I didn't have anything else to say to her. She didn't move.

"Matt!" She yelled while frowning. Matt jogged over.

"Yeah what's up?" He said.

"Bella-" she sniffled. "Bella was being so mean to me when I tried to come and apologized for the other night." I tear fell from her cheek.

"Are you Serious!" I yelled. "You came and attacked me!" I said standing up.

"Bella you don't have to be rude." Matt said in a rude tone and him and Jess walked away.

"What the fuck!" I yelled and ran to the bathroom with tears flowing done my face.

Alright so here's another chapter!

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