Chapter 30

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Matt POV

When I woke up it felt like I was asleep for years. I looked up thinking I would see Bella waiting by my bed side but she wasn't there. Maybe she just went to the bathroom or something she will be back soon.

"Hey buddy" carter said. "it's about time you're awake. We all missed you" he looks tired. Like he hasn't slept in weeks.

"Where's Bella?" Was the only thing I could say. There was a small smile on my face thinking about Bella. Carter didn't answer me. The smile slowly faded off my face as I remember what exactly happened that day.

"Carter?" My voice was low. "Bella is okay right?" He slowly shook his head no and walked out. No no no Bella has to be okay.

10 minutes later nash confirmed to me that Bella wasn't okay and may never be okay.

My heart ached. Yeah sometimes I didn't treat Bella right and I regret it big time. I love her so much. I love her more than myself. Even the thought of never seeing her smile again brings tears to my eyes.

I let out a loud cry. I can't do this without her. I miss my Bella.

I curled up into the hospital bed and cried until the doctor came in.

"Hello Matt, are you feeling any better?" He asked.

I shook my head no.

"What's wrong?" He asked noticing I was crying.

"Bella." Was all I could say. He understood and left.

I fell asleep crying with Bella on my mind.

Hayes POV

Nash made me go home. He doesn't get that Bella is my sister too and I wanna be there for her. I was at the airport Waiting for my flight to come.

I thanked the jacks for driving me and insisted they go, that I could handle being alone. I sat down on a bench far from anyone else. Bella's been on my mind all day. I just miss her so much. She's gotta be okay. She just has too.

I then realized I was crying. I quickly wiped away the tears and looked around if anyone saw. I didn't think they did. My aunt was planning to pick me up after my flight, until I got a phone call from carter.

Carter- hey Hayes you on your fight yet?

Hayes- nah I still got an hour

Carter- well Matt woke up, do you want me to come pick you up.

Hayes- what about my flight

Carter- just miss it

Hayes- if you say so

I hung up and grabbed my bags running to the exit. Matts awake I whispered to myself with a big smile on my face.

Nash POV

I rinsed my face off. It was still noticeable I was crying. I looked up and saw nick. Staring at me.

"Nick?" I said in a rude tone.

"Why didn't you tell us this happened to Bella?"

"It didn't concern you" I snapped.

" She is my step- daughter is does concern me"

"She doesn't mean shit to you and you know it" I said leaving the bathroom and slamming the door.

I fast walked to Bella's hospital room. I turned the corner and saw my mom and Ryder in the room.

He brought Ryder!?

I stormed in the room. Giving them both a death stare.

"How could you not tell me!" My mom cried hugging me. I pushed her off. "You haven't cared about Bella, why do you care now? And you!" I said pointing at Ryder. "Why the Fuck are you here?"

Before they could answer I stormed out of the room.

This chapters longer!

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