Chapter 9

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Bella POV

Me, Matt and Hayes shared a confused look and followed Nash into the house.

Who the hell was here?

I opened the door and I saw them.

All of them.

All the guys.

The original magcon boys, and a few I have never seen before.

Nash was so overwhelmed with hugging everyone. He was so happy.

Cameron saw me in the door way and instantly ran to me and picked me off of my feet.

"BELLA!" He screamed.

"CAM!" I screamed just a loud. God I missed Cam. It felt like I was missing a brother when Cam was gone.

I hugged all the guys and I even might have gotten a little emotional during it.

"Guys it's just like old times!" Jack G said throwing popcorn at jack j. We all laughed.

"Bella! I missed you!" Jack G said said pulling me into a hug.

"I missed you too!" I said putting my head on his chest.

I heard a cough and turned around and saw Matt standing there rubbing the back of his neck.

Jack G felt awkward, he let go of me and walked away. I look at Matt with a Confused face and he just rolled his eyes and walked away.

Oh great. Is Matt gonna start with his little moods again? Ugh.

I sat next to Shawn who engulfed me into another hug. We all just talked about random things when Nick walked in the house.

"Why are all these people here!?" Nick said slightly yelling.

"These are my friends." Nash said standing up and walking over to nick.

"Well they can't stay over here. My son is coming over." He said getting very close to Nash. Nobody was talking. Everyone had there eyes glued to Nash and Nick.

I thought someone was gonna throwing a punch until my mom walked in the door.

"Could you boys go do something while we have our family dinner then you guys can stay the night." She said.

"Wait" Nash tried to object but then sat right down knowing he wouldn't win.


The guys left and Nick went to go pick up his son.

I don't wanna meet this kid.

He is probably just as mean and stupid as Nick.

I walked into Nash's room.

"Nash?" I said quietly.

"Yeah?" He said looking up from his laptop.

"I don't wanna have dinner with nicks son." I said still standing at the door.

"I know Bella but it's just one night then we will probably never see this kid again." He said giving me a half smile.

"I hope." I mumbled walking out of his room and into mine. I sat down on my bed and my eyes started getting heavy but before I could do anything I was asleep.


"Bella, Cmon he's here!" Hayes yelled from the room over.

"Ugh coming!" I sighed getting up and walking downstairs to the kitchen. I heard the door handle moving and I started walking to the door when I stopped dead in my tracks.

My heart stopped.

It was Ryder.

His son is Ryder!?


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