Chapter 22

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Bella POV

To say I was speechless was an understatement. I was lost is his eyes. I tried to look away but I couldn't. Something about his eyes made me never wanna look away.

"Bella I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you, I truly am." He said in a low whisper sending chills through my body.

"And I'm sorry, I'm sorry for the pain I caused you." I said in a low whisper as well.

"Looks like we both screwed up huh?" he said giving a little laugh. I slightly laughed and nodded.

"Go get some sleep, it's late." He said pulling me into a hug. A long tight hug. I rested my head on his shoulder. We parted after a minute and I walked back to my room. Jack and jack were still awake playing on there phones.

"How'd it go?" Jack j asked.

"I don't even know." I said. "Every time I think I'm over one of them my feelings just come right back." I said admitting how I feel.

"Looks like your in love with 2 boys." Jack g said not looking up from his phone. He had an angry look on his face. Maybe something happened before I got here. I brushed it off.

There was a knock on the door.

"I got it." I standing up.

"No, I got it." Jack j said standing up in front of me. I gave him a confused look. "What if it's some crazy person." I laughed and let him get the door.

"It's Taylor." Jack j said.

"So you were right, a crazy person." Jack g said laughing at his own joke. I lightly hit him while laughing.

"Hey babe." He said kissing my forhead. "I just wanted to say Goodnight." He said pulling me into his arms. He let go and kissed my cheek and left.

I laid on the bed, while Jack G shut off the lights. I laid there for about 10 minutes until Cameron came in and laid next to me.

"Goodnight Bella." He said.

I mumbled a goodnight everyone fell asleep.

I woke up to blaring music. I rubbed my eyes. I realized it was my phone ringing.

"Shut it off." Jack g moaned.

"Sorry!" I said grabbing it. It was Ryder calling me. Why the hell was he calling me.

I ran out into the hall and answered the phone.

"Hello?" I said rudely. Nobody said anything. I heard muffled voices but I didn't know who they were or what they were saying. I tried to listen closer. I could only make out certain things.

I then heard a voice which sounded like Nick. I still didn't know what he was saying, but I got one part. I got that part loud and clear.

He said "as soon as we get the money we will be gone."

Who's money?

Was he talking about out money?

Here's your update.

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