Chapter 7

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Bella POV

Nick stood up. He looked furious.

I was still clinging to Matts side in fear. Nick stormed downstairs. Hopefully not after Nash. My mom or whatever you wanna call her went and followed him downstairs.

I knocked on Hayes door again.

"Hayes?" I said softly. The door clicked and he opened it. His eyes. Bloodshot. His room. Destroyed. I pulled him into a hug. He cried on my shoulder.

Me Hayes and Matt all sat on Nash's bed because it was bigger then Hayes's.

I slowly drifted a asleep.

Matt POV

It was a long bad day.

Hayes and Bella fell asleep. I kissed Bella's forehead and walked downstairs to see if Nash was here.

He was.

I saw him sitting on the couch. Just starring into space.

"Hey bro." I said sitting next to him.

"Hey." He said looking at me then down.

"You okay?" I asked even though I knew he wasn't.

"I just. I'm trying to protect Bella and Hayes but I can't." He said putting his head in his hands.

"Trust me. You did everything you could. I know for a fact Bella feels safe around you." I said trying to get Nash to cheer up.

"Thanks Matt, I'm just scared." He said.

"Of what?" I asked confused.

"That nick will hurt Bella, I know Hayes can handle him self but Bella, she is so little." He said looking down.

"As along as you me and hayes are here for her she won't get hurt." I said.

"But you saw Bella's eye. What if Nick did that to her?" He said. I never even thought about that. I believed she walked into a wall but what if Nick actually did that to her.

"Oh god." Was all I could say.

"Why don't we ask her in the morning?" Nash said.

I nodded. "Why wouldn't she tell us?" I asked. Bella told me everything. And I mean everything. Even if we are boy friend and girlfriend she talks to me like a best friend about everything.

"She is a teenage girl. Who knows why she does anything?" He said. We both laughed.

"Were are Bella and Hayes?" He asked.

"They fell asleep in your bed." I laughed. He just shook his head. "They used to do that when they were little." Nash said smiling at the memory.

"I'm going to sleep in Bella's room, night Bro." I said.

"Night Matt." He said. I started walking up the stairs when he said. "Thanks for taking care of my little sister." I smiled and turned around

"Anything for Bella." I said.

I reached Bella's room and laid down. And instantly I was asleep.

Cute little chapter(:

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