Chapter 15

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Taylor POV

I can't do this anymore. I think I love Bella. Like more then I ever did. Seeing her with Matt screws with me so much.

I wish so desperately I was siting next to her so we could talk but I'm next to some random lady who kept giving me weird looks.

I texted Bella multiple times but I think she might have fallen asleep. I couldn't sleep. The music I was listening to mad the situation worst. The plane landed and everyone got off. I searched for Bella. I need to get to her Before Matt does.

I saw her walking with Hayes so I sprinted over.

"Hayes can I talk to your sister for minute?" I said trying to catch my self.

"Sure." He said walking away.

"Hey Taylor." She said awkwardly.

"Bella. I need to tell you something." I said. I just have to do it. If I want Bella This is the first step.

"What's up?" She said smiling. She knew what I was going to say. She's smart she figured it out.

Bella POV

I found Hayes getting off the plane.

"Hello!" I said slightly pushing him. He lost his balance and fell onto carter who pushed him off with a disgusted look on his face. He both laughed so hard we couldn't breathe.

When we finally caught ourbreathe we started walking off the plane until we saw Taylor running towards us.

"Oh god." I said. I dreaded this moment.

"Bella he likes you. A lot." Hayes said I just nodded.

"How do you feel about him?" Hayes asked. I opened my mouth to talk but I was interrupted by Taylor.

"Can I talk to your sister?" He asked Hayes.

"Sure" Hayes said and left. Wow. Such a good brother..

It was awkward between us. We exchanged hi and stuff then he just blurted it out.

"Bella I still like you a lot." I saw it coming. But the sad part is. A big part of my heart wanted to be with Taylor.

I opened my mouth to say something and he cut me off.

"Hear me out!" He said. I nodded. "Bella I like a lot. More then I did from the start. You are all I think about every day and every night. I couldn't even sleep on the plane because I needed to tell you this." he stopped. His eyes were watering but I was hoping he didn't cry. Because if he cried. I would cry.

Before I could say anything Matt walked over.

"Bella I need to tell you something. Before I could object Matt already started talking.

"I swear on my life I didn't do anything that night be fought. I just drove in my car. I didn't even talk to a girl. And I'm sorry for that night." I went to say something to Matt but Taylor beat me to it.

"We were having a conversation." He said calmly.

"Sorry I just needed to tell her that, what are you guys talking about?" Matt asked looking between us two.

"I was confessing my feelings for her." Taylor said completely honest. Matts eyes widened.

"Well were together to fuck off." Matt said his voice getting louder.

"Matt!" I yelled at him.

"Oh yeah Matt. Why don't you fuck off." Taylor said his voice just as loud as matts.

"Why should I do that? I am her boyfriend!" He said pushing Taylor a little.

"You weren't a very good boy friend when you cheated on her. And while you were off making out with other girls I was the one here for Bella. Not you. So maybe you should fuck off." Taylor said but he said it quite. It took me a minute to processes everything.

"Bella I will be over there meet me when you done with him." Matt said and walked off.

"I'm sorry." Taylor said. But I knew he wasn't sorry. I knew he had been dieing to tell Matt off. And I'm probably a horrible person but I didn't feel bad for matt even though I should.

I added Taylor back in because a lot of you guys shipped him and Bella!

So if you guys have any questions about anything just ask me!

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