Chapter 36

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Matts POV

I don't think I have ever driven so fast. So many thoughts raced through my mind. All about Bella. I was almost at the hospital when I realized I should probably bring her something.

I stopped at a Walmart. I sprinted into the store almost knocking down an old lady. I quickly apologized and continued running toward the flower section. The biggest smile on my face.

I was carefully studying the flowers trying to pick the best ones when my phone started ringing. It as Gilinsky.

"Hey" I said out of breathe.

"Where'd you go?" He asked. I opened my mouth to tell him that Bella woke up but I quickly decided against it.

I know it wasn't right but I wanted to have Bella all to my self. I missed her. I wanted to talk with her. Catch her up on things. I don't need anyone getting in the way. Besides jack obviously has a thing for Bella. He tries to hide it but everyone knows.

"I'm just at the store, clearing my mind." I said hoping he wouldn't hear the excitement in my voice.

"Oh okay, see you when you get back" he said. I let out a sigh of relief and hung up. I grabbed some pretty pink flowers payed and was on my way to the hospital.

I'm gonna see my Bella!

Nash POV

My head was pounding. I opened my eyes and realized I have no clue where I was.

I saw cam sitting on a long brown couch with a girl on each side of him. He smirked at me.

"Hey Nash." I tried to stand but quickly lost my balance.

"What the..?" I mumbled but didn't finish my sentence. Cameron said something to the girls and they left.

"Was that the best night of your life or what?" He said helping me stand up. I tried to think back but I couldn't remember anything that happened.

I ignored him. "Where's my phone?" I asked checking my pockets.

He pulled it out of his pocket.

"It's been going crazy all morning" he said tossing me the phone. I just looked at the calls

"Just my brother being annoying" I said shoving the phone into my pocket.

"What should we do now?" Cam asked combing through his hair.

"I don't know what you're gonna do but I gotta get back to the hospital" I said.

"I will come. I miss seeing my little Bella." he said smiling and grabbing a jacket. We left the small hotel room.

Matts POV

I sprinted to the hospital doors. Many people gavel dirty looks for running but I didn't care. I raced to Bella's room. I finally reached the room. It felt like it took forever when in reality it took two minutes. I stopped looking through the glass. There she was. The love of my fucking life. Alive and well. I just stood there for a second studying her. She looked perfect even when she was basically just dead.

She saw me through the window and a smile Instantly grew on her face. She waved me to come in.

This is the moment I have been waiting for.

Do you guys ship her and Matt?




Or some one else?

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