Chapter 26

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Matts POV

I sprinted into the bathroom. My heart was beating faster then I have ever felt it. I pushed past random people until I saw Nash Hayes Cameron and Taylor hovered over something. I felt a lump in my throat. I knew that it was Bella laying right there but I couldn't take my self to fully believe it it washer. I stepped closer and i saw her lifeless body laying there while Hayes cried and Nash kept shaking her, but she wasn't waking up. The look of her laying there lifeless made me sick to my stomach.

I then pushed past all the people again running out if the bathroom. My face was covered in tears and sweat.

"No no no!" I screamed. "This can't be happening." My heart ached.

"Calm down." Aaron said grabbing my shoulder trying to help me keep my balance. But the next thing I knew I was on the ground backed out.

Bella POV


How could Matt take her side and not mine.

He knows everything about me and nothing about her.

I felt sick to my stomach. I sprinted into the bathroom. Tears blurring my vision but I still kept running.

You could say running from my problems. I turned the corner to the bathroom Avoiding the caution wet sign.

I slipped hitting my head on the floor. I heard a thud then everything went black.

Nash POV

We all sprinted into the bathroom after hearing a small scream. I saw Bella laying there unconscious.

"NO FUCK NO" I yelled almost slipping on the wet ground but held my balance.

"Bella can you hear me?" Cameron asked holding her hand. Hayes was crying to the point were he was hyperventilating.

"Bella wake up!" I shook her.

"Stop shaking her! It's not gonna help!" Cameron said pushing me away.

I saw Matt run in then run out.

"Someone call an ambulance!" I yelled out.

"I already called one." Shawn said crying. Carter pulled him into a hug. You could hear Shawn crying in his shoulder.

Within 10 minutes Bella was in the back of an ambulance. I was sitting right next to her.

"Bella it's gonna be okay" I said squeezing her hand.

"I love you" I whispered.

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