Chapter 2

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Matts POV

I pulled into Bella driveway and texted her.

So let me tell you what's going on

Nash and Hayes have been total dicks and Have practically forgotten about Bella.

She tries and pretend they didn't but they did. They call her once in a while but their not close at all.

She is usually alone so I stay with her a lot. A 15 year old girl shouldn't have to been alone!

I love her so much. I honestly don't know what I would do with out her.

Me and Bella just hung out and cuddled on her couch when there was a knock on the door.

"I got it." I said kissing her forehead and getting up to get the door.

I opened it without thinking. I thought it would be one of the guys. But I was way wrong.

It was Bella's mom and some guy I have never seen.

The one that left them about 2 years ago.

"Mathew? oh my goodness you have gotten so big." She said pulling me into a Hug.

I pulled away. "Uh Bella could you come here?" I said nervously.

She walked over and her eyes grew big.

"Mom?" She said in a hushed voice.

"Hi baby! I missed you so much." SHe squeezed her into a tight hug. Bella pulled away.

"You can't just leave for 2 years and come back like nothing happened!" She yelled. Her mom grew a frown.

"And who is that!?" Bella half yelled half asked pointing to the guy that was with her mom.

"This is Nick, my husband. And your step dad." Her mom said smiling.

"No no no no!" She yelled, pushed out of her moms grip and ran up stairs.

"Excuse me." I said following her upstairs. Her door was locked. I knocked.

"Bella?" I asked. "Can I come in?"

"Matt." I heard her crying on the other side. "I just wanna he alone." She said sniffing.

"Baby c'mon, let me in" I said. I could hear her crying. But she didn't say anything. So I called Nash. After a few rings he picked up.

Nash- Hey Bro

Me- hey uh your mom came back with this guy and Bella's like really upset

Nash- are you serious

Me- yeah and she is not taking it well

Nash- Dude I will he their as soon as i can get the next flight

Me- Okay good.

And with that the conversation was over.

"Bella, please let me in. I can help you." I heard footsteps and the door opened slightly.

I pushed to door open. Her eyes were all red.

"Baby" I said pulling her into my arms.

My princess is a wreck.


The moms back! And who is this stepdad?

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