Chapter 29

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Nash POV

Lately everything's just getting worse. I had to stop touring because Bella keeps getting worse. I was sitting in Bella's hospital room looking at her lifeless body just laying there.

It scares me that she may never get better. That one day the doctor is just going to pull the cord and I won't have Bella in my life anymore.

I didn't realize that I was crying until Cameron walked in.

"Hi" he said putting his hand on my shoulder. I just gave him and small smile while wiping the tears away. "I have some good news" he said looking at me kindly. A smile grew on my face thinking it was about Bella.

"Matt woke up today." Cameron said smiling. My heart dropped. I was happy that Matt finally woke up but I thought it was gonna be news about Bella.

"That's good" I said looking down.

"Bella will be okay. She's a fighter" Cameron said trying to make me feel better. It wasn't working.

"Will you stay here with Bella? I wanna go see Matt." I said standing up.

"Sure thing bro" he said taking a seat where I was sitting.

I walked to matts room. He was laying there playing on his phone.

"Doesn't that sign say no phones?" I said laughing.

"Hi Nash" he said smiling and putting his phone down.

"How ya feeling buddy?" I asked waking and sitting on the side of his bed.

"Better now that I'm conscious" he laughed a little then closed his eyes.

"Gets some rest bro" I said but before I could leave he stopped me.

"Nash?" He asked

"Yeah?" I turned around.

"How's Bella?" His voice got quite. I didn't say anything. "Cameron and Carter wouldn't tell me what happened to her and if she's okay"

"Matt.." I started but didn't know how to finish.

"Nash please tell me she's okay" his voice was shaky as if he already knew the answer. "Nash?" His voice cracked. His eyes filled with tears.

"Bella hasn't woken up yet." I said biting my lip so I wouldn't cry in front of Matt.

"But she will soon right?" He pleaded.

"They don't think she has a good chance of making it" I said. "Get some rest matt" I said walking out. Tears flowed down my face. Every time I say something about Bella my heart aches.

I walked into the bathroom and started putting cold water on my face. I couldn't handle the pressure. Someone walked into the bathroom but I ignored their presence, until I looked up and saw Nick staring at me.

(A/N Nick is the guy dating there mom and is the one that hit Bella)

Hope you guys like it!

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