Chapter 6

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Matt POV

I pulled Bella into my side and winked at her. She blushed. It was adorable. I kissed her forehead. Causing her to blush more. She put his face in my side so I wouldn't see.

"Can you guys have sex on your own time!?" Nash said but then bursted out laughing.

"Your such a loser." Bella said and giggled. Nash imitated her giggle causing Bella to push him but he didn't move much because she was so small. He shoved her lightly to get her mad and it worked. She then tried to push him again but again he didn't move Nash the pinned her down on the couch tickling her. She was laughing so hard me and Hayes started laughing.

"Matt help!" she yelled between laughs.

"I would help you but I don't feel like it." I said laughing. She finally escaped from Nash grip taking a minute to catch her break from laughing so much.

We were all laughing enjoying our selves when their mom and nick walked in. Everyone's laughs died down.

Bella gave nick a death stare, she didn't even know him why was she mad. I get it, she doesn't want him hear but she should at least give him a chance.

"Nash? Hayes?" Their mom said and rushed to give them hugs.

Nash gave her a fake hug while Hayes completely pushed her away.

"No." Hayes said calmer then I expected.

"What?" She said confused.

"What's so confusing mom. You left. You don't just get to come back. You left me Nash and Bella. You left kids alone. You can't come here and pretend to be our mom. You need to just leave us alone." He yelled and sprinted upstairs.

Bella ran after him.

Bella POV

I hate her.

I can't even call her mom.

She will never be my mom.

A mom doesn't leave her kids.

Hayes slammed his door shut before he could see me.

"Hayes, please open up?" I said knocking on the door.

"Bella I really wanna just be alone." He said. I heard a crash in his room and I started banging on the door.

"Hayes please let me in!" I yelled.

"Bella go the fuck away!" He yelled back.

"No! Let me in Hayes!" I demanded. I heard another loud crash in his room and he screamed. "HAYES!" I Yelled.

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" He yelled back.

Nash, Matt, Nick and the disgrace of a mom ran upstairs.

"What happened!?" My I guess mom yelled.

"You caused this! Ever since you came back. No one has been happy. Take a hint. Your not wanted!" I screamed.

"Don't talk to your mother like that!" Nick yelled at me coming closer to me. I flinched and moved behind Matt.

"Who the hell are you?" Nash half asked half demanded.

"I'm your step father." Nick said getting really closes to Nash. before anyone would react Nash punched Nick square in the face. He hit him hard. Nick held his face.

"Your not my father." Nash said and walked downstairs.

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