Chapter 20

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Bella POV

The message I read surprised me. I get Matt was mad but this wasn't needed.

Matt- Taylor?

Matt- Bro

Matt- Ignoring me?

Matt Just wanted to tell you something.

Matt- You and Bella won't work out. You will fuck it up. You always fuck everything up. Just remember you will never be good enough. You are one big fuck up!

I looked up from the phone. Scared to look at Taylor. After seeing this I swear that I will never go back out with Matt. I whipped out my phone giving Taylor a confused look. I clicked on matts contact and started typing. I made it short but not so sweet.

Me- Matt, I saw what you said to Taylor. It's over I can't believe you.

I clicked send with out a doubt and tossed my phone on Taylor's lap with a small smile. He looked at me then slowly looked at phone. He gave me a small smile flashing his braces.

"This is all so lovely but it's late and my feet hurt." Dillon said calling a cab. I laughed while Taylor kissed my for head. While Dillon fake gaged. The Cab came and we all got in and before we knew it, we were back at the hotel.

We started walking into the lobby when I saw Aaron at the front desk.

"Hey" I said walking next to him while Taylor and Dillon stole mints when the lady wasn't looking. Aaron gave me a half smiled but looked mad.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Matt." He said rolling his eyes.

"What did Matt do?" I asked.

"He got some text, I have no idea what it said, then he started having a fit throwing things and It was dangerous so I'm trying to get a new room." He said going back to talking to the lady at the front desk.

Matt got that mad over my text.

"I will meet you up stairs." I said waking to Taylor, Dillon and Aaron.

I used the stairs fearing that I could run into Matt on the elevator

I quickly jogged to my room and saw jack and jack but no Cameron.

"Hey" they said at the same time then giving each other a weird look.

"How was your date with Taylor?" Jack j asked.

"Good." I said smiling and picking out something to wear to bed. I grabbed a pair of shorts and a big t -shirt and walked into the bathroom and quickly changed. I rinsed my face off with cold water and walked over to my bed.

"You hear about matt?" I asked not looking up from my phone.

"Yeah." Jack g said. "Everyone did."

"Do you know why he did that?" I asked hoping that nobody knew.

"Oh Bella." Jack j said laughing. "We aren't stupid. We know you said something to him." I laughed slightly at how I tried to get over on them.

"I kinda broke up with him." I said looking down.

"It's about time." Jack j said. I gave him a look and he continued. "He treated you like a jerk, I think you should date Taylor." Jack j said plugging his phone in and laying down.

Before I could say anything jack g said "or someone else.." He said smirking.

"Huh?" I said stupidly.

"I heard that you and Shawn kissed." He said still smirking. My cheeks flushed and they became hot. "No need to blush." He said causing him and jack j to laugh and me to cover my cheeks.

I ignored that whole topic. "Where's cam?" I asked. They laughed knowing how uncomfortable I was.

"He's next door" jack j said in between laughs.

I got up and lightly slapped then both and walked next door. I knocked on the door with out processing anything.

But it was to late.

Matt had already answered the door.

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