Part LXXIX - "Sleep now"

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I stepped into the elevator the next morning feeling utterly numb. After the conversation between Mia and myself, I was amazed how I even managed to get dressed properly for work. The number of questions and thoughts running through my head left me dazed. I didn't even know who was supposed to show up for an appointment this morning.

I hadn't slept and I didn't even bother trying to cover up the dark circles under my eyes. With any luck, Elijah would be too busy with clients today to notice. Then again, this man had the ability to see right through me on a good day.

"Good morning." A familiar voice spoke.

I lifted my gaze up from the floor to see Elijah leaning against the doorway

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I lifted my gaze up from the floor to see Elijah leaning against the doorway. As usual he was dressed in white button down dress shirt with black pants. His hair slicked back, revealing those dashing blue eyes. My stomach twisted in response.

Remember. He can't suspect that anything has changed. You need to act normal. Just breathe and say hello.

I cleared my throat before speaking.

". . . Morning, sir," I said under my breath.

I kept my eyes away from him- something I thought I'd never be able to do. But, just as I suspected, nothing gets past this man. His eyes remained locked on me as we walked over to my desk. He reached out, titling my chin up to meet his eyes.

"Look at me," he said gently.

My stomach continued to twist and turn. I forced myself to look up at him. His eyes narrowed on me as if he were searching for an explanation.

Elijah brushed the sides of the face with the pads of his thumbs. His brows pulled together in question.

"Are you feeling alright?"


Truth be told, my legs were about to give out from under me. I needed to sit down- no, I needed to leave! I was too afraid of what would possibly come flying out of my mouth due to my sheer exhaustion. Now was not the time for Mia to make a guest appearance.

"I. . . couldn't sleep last night."

He tilted his head. His expression, once again, became unreadable.

"Come with me."

He took me by the hand and led me into his office. I watched him go over to his large desk and rummage through the draws. My heart hammered in my chest so fiercely, I feared it would crack a rib.

"Oh, God. Does he know?" I thought to myself.

How could he know?

"He knows. He knows that something is wrong. Oh, God. I can't breathe."

Just relax. He doesn't suspect anything. But he will if you don't cool it.

As I managed to get my frantic breathing under control, Elijah came back around to where I was.

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