First encounter

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(I'm just going to put the song I was listening to at the top so you don't have to play it and it probably won't have any relevance to the chapter)

I woke up to the blaring sound of my alarm. I rolled over and turned it off. I stretched and got up. Yay another day at this shitty school in a shitty town. I live in a small town a few miles away from Detroit. It's not that bad here it's the people. You won't see many people in the parks or any kids out playing in the street. I live with my mom and younger brother Brandon. My dad left when I was little. I see him sometimes but not as often as I'd like. I've always liked my dad better because my mom always gave me a hard time. She would pressure me to get good grades and when I didn't she made it seem like the end of the world. The only good thing she's forced onto me was soccer. I really enjoy it and it sucks I won't be able to play in college. I quickly finished getting dressed and went downstairs. I saw my brother eating breakfast and my mom at the counter looking through mail.

"Hey mom" I said grabbing bread.

"Good morning sweetie" she said. I put the bread in the toaster and put butter on it. I ate my toast said bu to my mom and brother and made my way to school.

Ugh I hate being the new girl. Me and my family recently moved from Detroit and I had to transfer schools. I don't really know why we moved but we did. I mean I guess this a new opportunity to meet new friends. I got up and got dressed. I went downstairs and no one was there. Of course. My family isn't really close like that. My mom doesn't make breakfast my sister and I don't really talk to each other and my dad is honestly just kinda there. He goes to work comes home as that's pretty much it. I made a bagel and left. I have my own car now I got it for my 18th birthday. I drove to the school it doesn't look that bad from the outside. I parked and went to the front office.

"Hi I'm new I'm here for my schedule and your?" I said to the lady at the desk.

"First and last name please" she said. I told her my name and she typed it into the system. She looked through her papers and handed me a paper with all my classes.

"You can go ahead and take a seat until Anna comes" she said.

"Um who's Anna?" I said.

"The young lady who will be showing you around the campus" she said. I sat down and a few minutes later a girl walked in.

"Hi I'm supposed to be giving someone a tour?" She said. The lady pointed to me and the girl turned around. She smiled and looked me up and down. This girl is so beautiful. She has long blonde hair blue eyes or are they grey I can't really tell, she was wearing a black acid washed graphic tee and some mom jeans that had some holes in them. She stuck out her hand for me to shake. I grabbed it and lightly shook it.

"I'm Anna. Anna shumate" she said with a smile.

"I'm Eva. Eva cudmore" I said copying her. She laughed and led me out to the hall.

"So the basics are everyone is divided there's the jocks the 'nerds' the loners and then me and my friends. You can hang out with us if you'd like. Can I see your schedule real quick?" I handed her my schedule and she pulled out hers comparing them. "We have most of our classes together and Lunch. C'mon I'll walk you to first period" she took my hand and dragged me to a classroom at the end of the hall.

New story lol

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