October day 1

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(I'm going to start a thing where every chapter is a whole day the chapter name will tell you what day of the month it is)

1 month later-

Me Eva Emmi Juj Ami Katie and Karina have decided we are going to do a bunch of fall related things everyday. So like fall color coordinated outfits and things like that. And for the finally of our cringy friend group fun we will throw a massive Halloween party on Halloween obviously.

Right now me and Eva are getting ready for school. A few days ago she finally decided to start changing in the same room as me. I mean I had nothing wrong with one of us changing in the bathroom but at least I don't have to ask when she's done every 5 minutes. For today everyone is supposed to wear orange or brown. Me and Eva decided on orange but like a pastel color not bright orange. I'm wearing an oversized orange t-shirt tucked into black dress pants with black doc-martins. Eva is wearing a similar colored crop top with a pumpkin on it and black shorts and her air-forces. She looked good as usual but she didn't seem to think so.

"Eva you look beautiful" I said for the 5th time.

"No I don't this color looks stupid on me" she said throwing her arms in the air staring at herself in the bathroom mirror.

"Eva. You look good in anything. This color makes your eyes look a lighter brown than usual and the shorts extenuate your waist. You look good" I said shaking her.

"Fine" she said rolling her eyes. I laughed and rubbed my forehead. As I was dragging my hand along the beginning of my hairline I felt a pimple. Great. I walked out of the bathroom to see Eva standing in the corner of my room staring at herself in yet again another mirror. For someone who doesn't think they look good she sure does stare at herself a lot.

"If you don't like how you look stop staring at yourself" I said wrapping my arms around her waist from behind.

"Says the one who always looks good without even trying" she says. I laughed and placed a few soft kisses on her neck as I swayed us back and forth. I trailed feathery kisses up to her ear and whispered.

"I never look as good as you" I then made eye contact with her in the mirror and walked away. I heard her groan from the bottom of the stairs and I laughed. Also my whole family is out of town and has been since Eva's accident which means we don't have to worry about shutting down the Halloween party early. Also you can assume how this past month has been for us if you know what I mean.

After picking up our friends we made it to school blasting music the whole way there. We talked about our plans for the week and we talked about hanging out. They recently opened the pumpkin patch a few hours away from my house so I suggested we should go there. Everyone agreed as we pulled into the parking lot. I went around the car opening everyone's door. We walked into the school and I feel like we low key look like gang members. We were all wearing orange and/or brown Eva had a bandana on her head and I had one rolled up and tied around my neck. Somehow everyone had a bandana which wasn't planned by the way it just kinda happened.

Me and Eva gave each other a small kiss before parting ways to our first period classes.

IM SO SORRY GUYS I forgot about all of my stories and I've been busy dealing with school. I'm going to force myself to write every day to make it up to you guys! I'm about to set a reminder on my phone to write later and I'll do it every day I'll get another chapter out later AGAIN IM SO SORRY AND IM GONNA TRY TO GET SOME JUICY CHAPTERS IN HERE SOON

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