New girl

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1 week later-

I've been hearing around school the past week that we're getting a new student. No one knows their name or anything about them. But I guess we'll find out today. Oh and my mom is giving Eva a chance. We had a long boring dinner with my mom and she seemed to like Eva. So much that she let Eva stay with us as long as she needs. And maybe she likes her a little too much. She's letting her stay in my room. No more sleeping on that uncomfortable couch. Right now I'm getting dressed and Eva is in the bathroom doing the same thing. I buttoned up my flannel and zipped up my jeans. I sprayed a bit of that cologne from the bonfire and sat on my bed to put on my shoes. I turned on my phone and opened Instagram. There was a picture of a blonde girl with blue eyes. She was pretty. Kinda reminded me of myself only because of a few minor details. I clicked on her account. Her name is Ava. She lives in the area. She's my age and... wait SHE is the new girl. Well this should be fun. I watched her story. She seems to be into the same stuff as me too. We will probably end up being good friends. I scrolled through her page for a while before finishing tying my shoes and seeing if Eva was done getting dressed. I stood up and walked into the bathroom.

"Baby-" I was cut off.

"Anna! I'm still changing" Eva yelled.

"You act like I haven't seen you naked before calm down" I said shutting the door. "Why don't you change in front of me anyway? I mean it's fine but why?" I said facing the door.

"I don't know honestly I just don't like changing in front of people I guess" she said. I stayed facing the wall while she finished up.

"Ok I'm done" she said. I turned around and she smiled. "Do I look good?" She asked.

"You always do" I said kissing her forehead. "C'mon we're gonna be late" she nodded and we left my room and went downstairs. My mom was there. Great...

"Hi ms shumate" Eva said with a smile.

"Hi Eva. Anna." My mom said barely making eye contact with either of us.

"Well we gotta go" I said dragging Eva out the door. She giggled and followed me. I opened her door and she got in. I waited for her to buckle up before going to the drivers side and getting in. I started the car and drove to Katie's then Emmi's and Juj's.

Anna seemed to be in a rush to get away from her mom. I don't understand why she doesn't like her mom. She's nice. At least she is when I'm around. I'll try talking to her about it later. After picking up Emmi Katie and Juj we went to school. Everyone has been talking about a new student. I'm excited to meet them. Maybe they can hang out with us. Anna parked and we all got out. I heard Katie and Emmi talking about the new student.

"I heard that she got kicked out of her old school" Emmi said.

"Someone told me they're a dude" Katie said.

"Guys. We'll find out probably by the time first period ends. Ok?" I said laughing. They rolled their eyes and we walked into school. I saw someone unfamiliar. Wait is that them? She's tall blonde and dressed pretty masculine. Hm looks like someone I know. I looked at Anna and she was staring at her. I nudged her shoulder and she looked at me.

"Wanna go meet her" she asked.

"Yea c'mon" I said taking her hand and walking to the office. When we did she was sitting to the left of us on her phone.

"Do you ladies need something" the office lady said which caught the attention of the girl.

"No we just thought maybe we could show the new student around" Anna said. The lady nodded and went back to her computer. Anna turned to the girl and stuck out her hand.

"I'm Anna and this is my girlfriend Eva" she said smiling.

"I'm Ava" she said standing up and shaking Anna's hand. She was the same height as her so of course a little taller than me.

"Want us to show you around?" Anna asked.

"Sure why not" Ava said with a smile. She turned around and picked up her bag. Me and Anna started walking and Ava followed. We showed her pretty much everything in a short amount of time and we still had about 10 minutes before first period. We took her out to the soccer field and we sat on the bleachers.

"So why'd you transfer?" Anna asked Ava.

"Uh too many fights. I got kicked out of my last school" Ava said gripping the straps of her backpack. I guess the rumor Emmi heard is true. Anna nodded and looked back at the soccer field.

"How long you guys been together?" Ava asked.

"How long baby? 3 weeks?" Anna asked me.

"Yea" I said with a smile.

"You guys are cute together" Ava said. Me and Anna smiled at each other.

"Who do you guys have for first period?" Ava asked.

"Mr Mathews. You?" Anna said.

"Me too. Is he cool or a dickhead like most guy teachers?" Ava asked.

"Eh he's alright" Anna said as the bell rang. We stood up and Anna grabbed our bags. We walked to first period and Ava sat in the empty seat in front of us.

Last period-

Me and Ava have every class together. Shes really nice but has a really bad 'I don't give a fuck' attitude. We kept getting in trouble for talking in class but we just laughed it off. I wonder if she'll wanna hang out with me Eva Katie and Karina who will probably be with Chris and Mason. Speaking of which you know how I thought they would end up dating? Yea I was right. As always. Karina is with Mason and Katie is with Chris. I'm happy for them. Maybe we can go on a triple date with them sometime. Me and Ava walked out of class laughing at some kid who just tripped in class. It was pretty funny.

"Hey wanna come over and hang out with me Eva and some other friends. My mom shouldn't be there but if she is we'll just stay in the basement" I said walking beside Ava and to my locker.

"Yea sure. Are these friends of yours cool?" She asked.

"Yea they'll probably be too pre-occupied with their boyfriends to annoy you anyway" I said putting away my books.

"Alright bet. Here put your number in my phone text me your address" she said handing me her phone. I grabbed it and put my number in her contacts under the name 'Anna'. I texted my number and added her to my contacts. "Cool" she said putting her phone back in her pocket.

"Cya" I said walking to Eva's class. I waited at the door for her and I made sure to stand clear of the door so I didn't get another busted lip. Soon she came out and she looked upset.

"Hey baby. What's wrong?" I asked wrapping my arms around her.

"I failed this stupid pop quiz we got on Friday" she said.

"Aw I'm sorry" I said laughing.

"It's not funny" she said smacking my arm. I rolled my eyes and we walked out to my car. I opened her door and then went to my side. I got in and started the car. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the notification. It was Ava. 'Hey what time you want me to come over' she texted. 'Gimme like 15 minutes I'm just leaving school now' I replied. She sent me a thumbs up emoji and I left her in read.

"Who was that?" Eva asked.

"Ava. I invited her to come over later and hang out with you me Katie Karina and probably Mason and Chris" I said pulling out of the parking lot. She nodded and smiled. I placed my hand on her thigh and started heading to my house.

Why am I just realizing they've only been together for a few weeks🌚✋ (next chapter will be out later tonight)

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