Getting closer

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(You don't have to play the song)

I woke up to my phone blowing up with texts. I literally have Anna's number and a few people from Detroit. Who the hell could be spamming me with so many damn texts. I checked and I had over 900 notifications from a group chat named 'soccer hoes'. I looked at the members there was 6 unsaved numbers and Anna. It must be her group chat with her friends. I read their conversation and they were accusing Anna of having a crush on me. It was kinda funny seeing her be so defensive. I saved all their numbers assuming who's number each one belonged to. They stopped talking by the time I was done with that. I got up and got ready for the day. It was Wednesday so we only had 3 hours of classes. I got dressed into a black long sleeve butterfly crop top and some ripped mom jeans. I walked out the door and got in my car. I started driving to school.

My friends are so annoying. I don't have a crush on Eva but they're so convinced that I do. I woke up pretty early and got dressed not realizing I woke up at 5 am. School starts at 8 so I woke up way earlier than usual. I just laid around for a while watching tik tok and eating snacks. I drank 3 cups of coffee so I have a lot of energy. I'll probably just end up crashing by 4th period. I looked at the clock realizing it was 7:45 so I got up and left to pick up Katie Juj and Emmi.

"Hey bitch. Why are you so late?" Emmi said getting in the car.

"Well I didn't see the time and I had to pick up dumb and dumber" I said pointing to Katie and Juj in the back. She laughed and I headed to school. I soon pulled into the parking lot and parked next to Eva's car. We all got out and went inside. As we were walking in the bell rang and I ran to first period. I ran inside and my teacher looked at me along with the rest of the class. I just stood there awkwardly.

"Ahh Anna you finally decided to show up" my teacher said.

"What do you mean the bell just rang I'm like a minute late?" I said.

"That young lady was the late bell" he said. I just nodded and sat down next to Eva. I could tell she was trying not to laugh.

"Oh go ahead let it out" I said and she bursted out laughing. I laughed with her and took notes of what was on the board. After what felt like forever first period was over. Me and Eva walked to our lockers talking when this guy came up to her. Christian. He was kind of a douche bag but he was fun to hang out with. He started flirting with her and she seemed uncomfortable so I texted her. I heard her phone buzz.

"One sec" she said pulling her phone out. I texted her 'you want me to get rid of him?' She replied with 'please'. I turned off my phone and wrapped my arm around Eva.

"C'mon bub let's go to our next class" I said. Her cheeks went red and Christian put his hands up in defense.

"Oh I'm sorry Anna I didn't know" he said. I gave him a reassuring smile and walked Eva to our second period.

"Thank you. He was kinda cocky and irritating" she said letting out a nervous laugh.

"No problem bub" I said mocking myself from earlier. She laughed and we sat down.

After school-

When Anna called me bub I got butterflies not gonna lie. I'm not sure why I don't have feelings for her at least I don't think. We just met a few days ago and are just starting to be friends. There's no way I can catch feelings for her that fast. I've known I was bi for a while so that's not the problem except for the fact I haven't come out yet not even my closest friends know. Anna said I could hang out with her after school so I went home and put my bags away. I started to do a little bit of homework when I got a text from Anna.

"Want me to pick you up or are you coming over?" She texted me.

"I'll come over"

"Ok see you in a bit" she said. I left her on read and finished the page of homework I was on. I got up and grabbed my car keys. I went downstairs and said by to my mom because she was cooking.

"Wait wait wait. Where are you going I'm making dinner" she said

"To my friends house I'll eat over there" I said walking out. I got in my car and started heading to Anna's. My mom never cooks so my dad either said something or he got a promotion at work or something. I arrived at Anna's house. I went to the door and knocked. She answered a few seconds later.

"Hey come in" she said. I walked in and went to the kitchen.

"Hungry?" She asked.

"Yea kinda" I said giggling. She laughed and started to cook something that looked like a kind of pasta. I sat down and went on my phone. A few minutes later she put a plate in front of me. At least I thought it was a few minutes. I looked at the time and it was an hour later.

"You could've talked to me" I said.

"No it's fine I was cooking and you were focused on your phone" she said with a smile. I laughed and started eating. She got a notification and she immediately answered it. She smiled and replied to a text. She started making small talk about school and how she hates our first period teacher.

"Aw is it because he embarrassed you" I said laughing. She laughed and flung pasta sauce at me.

"You bitch" I said flinging some at her. This started a food fight. We kind of thrashed her kitchen but she said it was fine. I didn't really care and I started to clean it still laughing at what just happened.

"Hey it's fine I'll clean it in the morning" she said grabbing my hand. She took the rag out of my hand and put it in the sink. We went up to her room and kept talking until like midnight. We both fell asleep on the floor.

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