I love you

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I woke up to the sound of knocking on our hotel door. I looked up and Anna was putting on sweat pants and a hoodie. She looked at me and opened the door. It was Mr. Mathews.

"Good morning ladies. We have something planned for you guys. Get up and be ready to leave by 12" he said.

"Ok" Anna said. She closed the door and pulled out her phone. "It's only 7" she said. I sighed and got up.

"I had fun yesterday" I said walking closer to her.

"Yea me too" she said with a smirk. I giggled and she pulled me in for a kiss. It was long and slow. She pulled away and kissed my forehead. "Wanna match again today?" She said walking over to our bags.

"Yea. You pick the outfit today though" I said sitting on the bed. I went on my phone for a while just scrolling through Instagram. She threw a pair of jeans at me. Along with a slightly oversized flannel and a black sports bra.

"There you go" she said. I laughed and got up going into the bathroom to change. Anna came in while I was buttoning my flannel. Holy shit she looks so hot right now. I gulped and looked her up and down. She smirked at me and turned to the mirror.

"Holy shit Eva!" She yelled. I looked over at her and there were 3 massive hickeys on her neck. I laughed and shrugged.

"Payback" I said.

"Isn't payback supposed to be a bad thing" she said grabbing me but the waist. She pulled me closer to her and placed a soft kiss on my lips quickly pulling away and going to my neck. I felt her leave hickeys in 3 different spots. We both better avoid Katie. She pulled away from my neck and looked at me.

"Payback" she whispered in my ear. Oh my god I love the way she makes me feel. I took a deep breath and finished buttoning my flannel. I only did the first 4 so that it was open a little. Anna did pretty much the same but only 3. We walked out of the room holding hands and down to the lobby. We sat down waiting for the rest of the kids and all the 1st period teachers. 

Mr. Mathews walked into the lobby and looked at me and Eva.

"Why are you two so early" he said.

"Excitement? I've always wanted to come here" I said putting my phone away. He nodded and looked to his left where 3 other teachers came out with their classes. It looked like Katie and Karina were arguing about something. Katie looked over at us and her jaw dropped. I gave her a 'what' look. That was until I realized. She saw the hickeys. She quickly broke away from the group of kids she was in and sat next to us.

"You guys are both fucking sucker fish" she said. I laughed and pushed her off the bench. She kicked me in the leg and laughed. "But seriously how have you guys not lost blood flow in your necks yet" she said sitting on the bench again.

"Not our fault you can't get any" Eva said. I widened my eyes and tried to hold back my laugh.

"Bitch" Katie said going back to Karina. Me and Eva bursted out laughing.

"That was a good one" I said still laughing. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and went back on my phone.

"Ok ladies and gentlemen listen up. We've put you in groups. You should be sharing a room with someone. You will be in a group with that person, the two people who sat next to you on the bus, the people who sat in front of them, and the people who sat in front of you" Mr Mathews said. Good me and Eva are in the same group. I looked at her and she was smiling.

"We are trusting you to stay in the same location as your group. I will give one person from each group a sticky note with the name of your groups location and the address of the location so you can find it" he added. He walked over to some girl named Madi and handed her a note. He handed some girl named Jersey a note and some kid named Zack a note. He then walked over to me and Eva and gave her the note. Me and Eva stood up and went to Katie and Karina who already found the other 4 kids in our group.

"We're gonna need another car. Or we can all walk to...where are we going?" Katie said.

"Uhh the 9/11 monument" Eva said. "It's not too far" she said.

"We can walk" Karina said. Katie groaned and I grabbed her hand dragging her out of the hotel. I pulled out my phone and took the note from Eva. I put that address in maps and got directions.

"Yea it's not far at all" I said. Eva grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers. I smiled and kissed the back of her hand. I am so in love with this girl. We continued walking and arrived after about 15 minutes of walking. I know I said it wasn't far which it wasn't it's just Katie kept complaining and sitting on the curb every 5 minutes. But after dragging her along we finally made it.

There was tourists everywhere and a bunch of people taking pictures. It was pretty big. We walked around looking at all the little podiums of information. They all pretty much said the things you would learn in grade school about 9/11. They showed pictures of the terrorists and what the towers looked like before they fell. Eva seemed to find it interesting. Now I know what she saw when we were coming into this beautiful city. I just admired her as she read the information on the last podium. Katie and Karina were still on the first one and the four other kids were on the one next to us. I don't have a clue what she read but I acted like I did. I kissed her forehead and glanced over to see where the others were. They were all still reading. I looked between the buildings and I saw the sun setting. Perfect. I grabbed her hand and dragged her to the end of the ally.

"Anna what are we doing- woah" she said. "This is beautiful" she added.

"So are you" I whispered in her ear.

"Ok but what are we actually doing here? We have to go back" she said.

"I've been pushing this down for a while. Fighting myself everyday not to tell you because I thought it was to fast. I was scared you wouldn't say it back and I didn't want to ruin what we have by saying this and you not saying it back. But now I just can't fight it anymore. I love you Eva. So much. I've been in love with you since the first night you slept over at my house. Since the moment I figured you out. I'm in love with every little thing you do. From the way trap yourself in your own little world when star shopping comes on to how interested you are in 9/11. Eva I'm so in love with you" I said in a rush. At this point she was in tears.

"I love you too Anna" she said with a big smile. I cupped her face and wiped her tears. I shrieked out of excitement and picked her up spinning in circles. I set her down and pressed my lips onto hers. We pulled away after a while and walked back to the others. We both had big smiles plastered on our faces. Katie and Karina gave each other confused faces.

"Did you guys just fu-" Katie tried to say but I cut her off.

"No we didn't fuck in the ally. I told her I loved her" I said giggling.

"In an ally in New York?" Katie said.

"Yes but it wasn't gross or dirty or anything it was actually really beautiful. The light from sunset reflecting off the building windows...it was beautiful" Eva said. I giggled and kissed her head.

"Blah blah blah let's go back before I puke on this monument because of you" Katie said. I laughed and we headed back to the hotel.

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