October day 7: Minecraft

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2 days later-

"What the hell Anna you punched me off the cliff!" I yelled.

"Sorry, you tried to kill my dog" she said giggling. "I'll pick up your stuff" she added. We're playing Minecraft on split screen right now. She keeps taking all the good stuff so I kinda had no chance of winning that fight. She has almost full diamond armor and I still have iron. I do have a diamond sword though and so does she but hers is enchanted. It's kind of unfair that the one who's good at the game has the good stuff, it'd make more sense if I did cause then I'd be able to stay alive longer cause I had stronger stuff.

"Ok do you want to go to the nether with me?" She asked.

"The nether? Um sounds cool" I said. I made my way back to Anna and she gave me my stuff. I put my armor back on and sorted my weapons the way Anna taught me. She started building this rectangle out of black-ish purple blocks. Then she clicked it with something and it turned purple. "It's so prettyyy!" I yelled.

"That's the portal" she said giggling. I stared at the screen, mesmerized by the purple portal. She went closer and stood inside it. "Stand next to me" she said. I walked and stood next to her. The whole screen turned purple and I smiled. She giggled at my childishness. After a couple seconds we were in this weird place with what looked like blue grass and blue trees. There were tall black blocky monsters with purple eyes all around us. One looked at me and I made eye contact with it.

"No don't do that!" Anna yelled but it was too late. It's mouth opened showing it blocky teeth and it started attacking me. "HIT IT WITH YOUR SWORD BUB HIT IT!" Anna yelled laughing her ass off.

"HELP MEEE!" I yelled back. I was honestly scared for my life. I don't like this game. I ended up dying. I pouted and jumped in circles where I spawned.

"Do you wanna play creative? We can just build and you can play with the sheep" she said. I looked up at her and smiled nodding rapidly. She giggled and we left the game. She made a new world and I started playing with sheep and pigs around the world while Anna built big structures. She showed me the 'Jeb_' thing where it makes the sheep rainbow. We played Minecraft the rest of the night. Until I got bored and laid down, watching Anna play Fortnite, she's pretty good.

Short fluff chapter cause I have no ideassss 🤠

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