Sneaking out

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4 days till senior trip 3 days till the big question

Eva didn't come to school yesterday. It sucks because I can't see her anywhere except at school and I miss her. I wonder if it has something to do with her parents. Thank god my mom didn't take my phone so I can call her. And I did but no answer. Maybe I should sneak over there. I'm going to try calling her again but if she doesn't answer then I definitely am sneaking over there. I picked up my phone and dialed her number. It rang and rang but she answered.

"Eva!" I said excitedly. "Are you ok why didn't you come to school did something happ-" I was cut off.

"Anna I'm ok but stop shouting. My parents are really protective and they told me I can't leave the house. There goes the senior trip..." she said the last part in a quiet voice.

"Hey it's ok. What if we find a way to get you out of there? You can stay in my basement. I don't care if we get caught your more important than the trip. And if you are up for it we can sneak your way onto the trip" I said. I heard her sniffle. "Hey hey hey. Don't cry it's ok. Is there anything else happening? Or is it just the whole you can't leave the house thing?" I said.

"It's just I can't leave the house. I'm ok though I just miss you" I smiled at that.

"I miss you too. Do you know where I can sneak in so I can sneak you out?" I said sitting on my bed.

"Yea my window it's the one on the far left side of the house" she said.

"Ok I lo- I'll see you in a bit" I said. Fuck.

"O-ok" she said. She immediately hung up. I fucked up. I'm so dumb I almost said I love you. Not now Anna you have to go get her. I stood up and grabbed a pillow and blanket. I rushed downstairs and threw them in the basement. I went back upstairs and opened my bedroom window. I would've went through my front door but Tommy was on the couch so he would've heard me and told my mom. I climbed out my window and closed it. Brandon got a trampoline for his birthday so I moved it on the side of the house. I jumped off the roof and onto the trampoline. It didn't make much noise thank god so I shouldn't get caught. I quickly got out and started walking to Eva's house.

Anna should be here in a few minutes. I quickly grabbed a bag and started packing clothes. As I was packing I heard a tap on my window. I looked over and saw the beautiful blonde hair blue eyed girl that I fell in love with. I can't believe I'm admitting it but I'm so in love with this girl. So much more than I can ever explain. She stood there waiting for me. I smiled at her and quickly zipped up my bag. I went over to the window and slowly opened it.

"Hi" she said in a soft voice.

"Hi" I said back. She smiled and I put out my hand. She grabbed it and helped me out of the window. I closed it behind me and turned around immediately locking eyes with her.

"I missed you" she said letting out a soft giggle.

"I missed you too" I said pulling her into a kiss. She pulled away smiling. We walked out of my yard and to the street. A few cars passed by asking if we needed a ride. We denied all of them in fear of being kidnapped. We eventually made it to her house. I started walking to the front door and she stopped me.

"Tommy was in the couch when I left. I don't know if he's still there so we have to go through the roof" I hesitated but eventually nodded. She grabbed my hand and dragged me to a trampoline.

"I'll go first" she said. I nodded and got in the trampoline behind her. She jumped on it and grabbed onto the roof pulling herself up. "Give me your bag" she whisper yelled. I threw my bag up to her and she set it down. I copied what she did but instead of grabbing the roof I grabbed her hand. She let out a grunt and eventually pulled me up.

"Was I that heavy?" I asked giggling.

"No... I'm just weak. I need a gym membership" she said. I laughed and kissed her cheek. She opened her slightly cracked open window and threw my bag on her bed. She moved and let me go in first. She came in behind me and closed the window.

"I wish we could stay up here but my mom comes in my room to wake me up in the morning so if you were in here I'd be dead" she said. I giggled and nodded. She grabbed my bag and opened her door. We walked quietly downstairs and into the basement.

"I wish I could sleep down here with you but again my mom" I said sitting on the couch. She came over and sat on my lap. I giggled and out my hands on her thighs. She put her hands on my face and pulled me in. I slowly kissed her. It slowly got more intense. I stood up with her legs wrapped around me not breaking the kiss and laid her on the couch. She tugged at my shirt and I pulled away lifting it off. She smiled and looked me up and down. I pulled her back into a kiss. She ran her hands up and down my body completely turning me on.

"Are you sure" she said pulling away. None of my other girlfriends asked me that I was always asking them. It's not that I didn't like her asking me it just caught me off guard.

"I'm positive" I said. "Are you sure" I said giggling.

"Positive" she said pulling me back down. She broke the kiss and pulled her off her shirt. She pulled me back down and I started messing with the button on her pants. She nodded holding the kiss. I unbuttoned her pants and pulled them down. She put her hands on my hips and dug her nails into my skin as I started to slowly rub her clit. She let out a soft moan into my mouth. I smiled to myself and kept kissing her so my brother wouldn't hear her.

I can't take this anymore. She needs to hurry up. I put my hand down and grabbed her wrist.

"Anna hurry I can't take this anymore" I said breathing heavy. She smirked at me and pulled down my underwear. She started to rub my clit again. I moaned in her mouth again. She moved her finger lower and slowly inserted it. I let out a hitched breath followed by a moan. She put her hand over my mouth and pumped it in and out of me slowly picking up speed as she went. She kept her hand on my mouth and went down. She looked up at me and smirked. She latched her mouth onto me flicking her tongue back and forth.

"Anna ho-ly fu-ck" I said into her hand. She removed her finger and replaced it with her tongue. I put my hand on her head holding her in place.

"Oh my g-od Anna I'm gon-na cu-m" I yelled. She still had her hand on my mouth so it wasn't that loud. A few minutes later I came in her mouth. She licked over me for a few minutes. She came back up to me and kissed me. I squirmed at the taste of myself on her tongue.

"What you don't wanna kiss me?" She said with an upset face.

"No I do but brush your teeth first I can taste myself" I said cringing. She laughed and kissed my forehead. "Help" I said giggling. She laughed and picked me up bringing me to the basement shower.

After Eva's shower we just cuddled on the basement couch. I'm surprised Tommy hasn't come down here yet. Well I'm not waisting time thinking about that. I put on a movie about 20 minutes ago. She's laying on me and I'm scratching her head. She keeps yawning and I keep seeing her eyes closed.

"Hey" I said turning her head up. "Good night I l- I'll see you you in the morning" I said kissing her forehead. I keep almost saying I love you. We aren't even dating I can't do that. She smiled and nodded. I rolled her off me giving her one more kiss. I put some blankets over her and turned off the TV and lights. I smiled to myself knowing what's gonna happen in three days. I went up to my room quietly closing the basement door. I crawled into my bed and covered up soon falling asleep.

Almost 2000 words again😀

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