May 23 2031: Just a dream

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(thank Harryp0tterfreak for this alternate ending 🙄🤚)

⚠️TW⚠️ mentions of suicide

10 years later-

I woke up with my body trembling. I looked to my left seeing Anna sleep, holding our new born baby boy. It was a dream? I woke Anna up being careful not to wake up the baby.

"What? What's wrong baby?" she asked opening her eyes.

"I- you kill-" I started sobbing.

"It's ok. I'm right here" she pulled me closer to her. she rubbed my head until i looked up at her.

"I had a dream that you killed yourself because we took a break and i would go to your house for holidays and i'd sit at your grave and talk to you about brandon and- it scared me" i said with tears still coming out of my eyes and my voice shakey.

"baby i would never. especially not if it was just a break. maybe if we broke up but not a break" she giggled. "we're married now so you're kinda stuck with me" she nudged my shoulder. i giggled and laid my head on her shoulder. i started rubbing little Austin's cheek. Anna placed small kisses on my neck. "we should go back to sleep it's late" i nodded and laid down.

i woke up hearing the dog scratching the back door. i got up and gently moved Austin off me and went downstairs. me and Eva now own a small two story house in LA. we have a dog, Pluto, he's a husky and two kids, our daughter Kayla who's 8 and our newborn son Austin who's only a few weeks old. i let Pluto outside and started making breakfast for Eva and Kayla. i made pancakes and bacon. Kayla ended up coming downstairs.

"good morning mommy" she said sitting at the kitchen island. i handed her a cup of orange juice and a plate.

"let's go wake up momma" i said grabbed a plate for me and Eva. i would've made milk for Austin but Eva breastfeeds him. we went upstairs and into mine and Eva's room. we set down the plates and i put Austin in his crib i counted down from 3 on my fingers. 3...2...1. me and Kayla jumped on the bed bouncing up and down.

"wake up momma! wake up! mommy made breakfast!" Kayla yelled laughing. Eva woke up and let out a loud groan.

"i'm up" she said and grabbed Kaylas ankle pulling her onto the bed. i laughed and got off the bed after realizing Austin has been crying. i picked him up trying not to laugh in his ear. i sat in the rocking chair in the corner of our room and rocked him back and forth till he stopped crying. i put him back in his crib and gave Eva and Kayla their plates.

this is the end now since you babies wanted it to be a dream

happy ending woohoo now im just going to continue hey freshman and i'm going to start one shot sometime this week/ next week depending on what day it is wherever you are in the world 😽

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