October day 1: lunch

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Me Anna Juj Emmi Karina Katie and Ami met up at Anna's locker before lunch. Once everyone was there we walked to lunch together. I swear all day everyone has been looking at us. Well we do kinda look like we're in a gang or some kind of fall cult. It's not our fault no one in this school has a good enough friend group to match each other for a whole month.

Anyways. We made it to the lunch room and we sat at our usual table. No one brought food...well except for Anna she brought some chips. She shared them around the table as we began talking about setting up for the party.

"Ok so who else thinks we should make flyers and hand them out?" Katie said with an ear to ear smile with her hand elegantly rested on the table.

"It's a good way to get the word around but who will make them" Anna said. Everyone sat in silence for a second and stared at Anna as she continued eating her chips

"Oh god why me?" Anna asked.

"Cause you're the most creative one and no one else wants to do it" I said with a mouth full of chips I had just stole from Anna.

"Ok ok fine I'll make the stupid flyers" She said taking a chip out of my hand.

"Ok costumes or no costumes?" I asked.

"I vote costumes" Anna said.

"Same" Katie agreed.

"Nah I think that would be too childish" Karina said. Everyone looked at her.

"No one is too childish for costumes on Halloween Karina" Katie said. Everyone nodded.

"Ok fine costumes it is" Karina said putting her hands up in a defensive manner.

"Ok I guess we have it all figured out now we just need ideas for the flyers which we can start brainstorming ideas at Anna's later" Emmi said.

"Yup" Anna said balling up her empty chip bag. This girl and her chips I swear. For the rest of lunch we brainstormed ideas for the flyers. Anna is going to draw it out and then I'm going to print a bunch of them to hand out around school. After planning for the party we started thinking of costume ideas for our group. Anna kept saying power rangers or Teenage mutant ninja turtles or just childish things like that. UNTIL finally Katie said something other than a cartoon.

"What if we dress as a character from our favorite show. It wouldn't necessarily match but its better than fricken power rangers" she said. I thought for a second. I looked at Anna and she seemed disappointed no body wanted to be a power ranger with her.

"...well power rangers isn't a horrible idea and we were gonna match anyways" I said watching Anna's face light up.

"Simp" everyone said.

"Oh c'mon power rangers are cool" Anna said putting her hands up as if she was a ninja.

"I don't think that's what they do bub" I said. She shrugged and continued. I laughed and we started discussing who was going to be what color. Anna wanted to be blue. I chose pink. Ami chose green. Emmi chose black. Karina chose yellow. Katie chose red. Leaving Julia with the white power ranger. Everyone was surprisingly happy with their costume by the time we left and went to class.

Me and Anna had our last periods together and we didn't pay attention.

"Ms cudmore. Ms shumate" mr Mathews called out to us. Me and Anna looked up at him.

"Would you like to be partners for this project?" He asked.

"Sure. Thanks sir" Anna said.

"That would work out...if we had a project coming up" he said causing the rest of the class to laugh and say "ouhhhh" I rolled my eyes and me and Anna focused for the rest of the class.

End of the day-

Me Eva Juj Emmi Ami Katie and Karina all loaded up in my car and headed to my house. I pulled into my driveway and went around opening everyone's door as I usually do. I unlocked the front door and we went down to the basement. I plopped down on the mattress laid on the floor. I put it there so we could have one big area to sit instead of us being spread along the couches.

"Ok so I'll order the costumes right now" I said opening my laptop. I went online and order all the costumes in our sizes. After spending almost 90 dollars I began drawing out ideas for the party flyers. Eva watched and hyped me up for each idea. I drew about 6 different ones and everything chose the first one I drew. It was a big skull surrounded by smaller ones and a few pumpkins and grim reapers in the background also in big bold letters it said "Halloween costume party in a haunted basement" with a blank space for the time which we haven't decided.

"Wait so now we have to plan out stuff and BUY stuff to make your basement all haunted and spooky like?" Karina asked. I laughed.

"Yes but don't worry I have people I know from Brandon's horror birthday a few years ago and they can be set up in the rooms down here to scare people and then I have a few ideas for how to decorate the whole house. Don't worry guys this party is going to be sick" I said.

If anyone has better matching costume ideas for 7 people lmk cause I'm still not super sure ab power rangers lmao it's j the first thing that came to mind for some reason

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