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6 days till senior trip 5 days till the big question

As the senior trip inched its way closer so did the day I was asking Eva to be mine. I really hope she likes what I have planned out. Yesterday was fun but I was kind of mad at myself. I wanted to wait for our first time to be special and also wanted to wait so we could do it in New York but I mean she seemed to enjoy it. Eva fell asleep in the basement on top of me. And what I mean by she fell asleep is I didn't sleep at all. All I could do was stress myself out. I just kept telling myself that she won't like what I have planned or that it was too fast. I just kept thinking until I realized it was daylight. That didn't do much it just meant that there was one less day until I ask and that just stressed me out more. I was in my thoughts for a while when I felt Eva move. She rubbed her eyes and looked at me with an exhausted smile. I giggled and smiled be pushing some hair behind her ear.

"Good morning beautiful" I said kissing her forehead.

"Good morning" she said smiling. I guess Katie never left because I heard her let out a groan from the other couch.

"Ugh can you guys not be all cute and cuddly right in front of me" she said.

"I didn't even know you stayed" I said as Eva got up off me.

"Well I had to make sure you didn't skip again" she said sarcastically. I laughed and looked at Eva. She was looking at me with a concerned look for some reason. I have her a 'what' look.

"Did you sleep?" She said. I shook my head and looked down.

"Why not" she said.

"Couldn't fall asleep. It's ok though I'm ok" I said. I got up and went upstairs to make breakfast.

I don't know why Anna didn't get any sleep. I wonder if it was because of yesterday. She kept trying to make sure I wanted to but I never asked if she did. I'll try asking more about it later. I was talking to Katie when I heard Anna talking to someone. Is her mom back? I looked at Katie.

"Stay here" I said. I got up and made my way upstairs seeing Anna's older brother and younger brother.

"How long have you guys been here?" Anna said.

"Long enough to hear your girlfriend screaming your name" tommy said. Oh no. "Oh would you look at that" he said turning to look at me.

"What?" I said annoyed.

"You have the rest of the day to leave or I'll tell my parents that you guys did the deed while Brandon was in the house" he paused. "And you know what mom will do if she finds out" he said looking at Anna. What does he have against me?

"No she's not leav-" I cut her off.

"I'll go" I said.

"Eva no" Anna said. I gave her an 'it's ok' look and she hesitated but eventually gave in and nodded. I gave her a sloppy smile and went upstairs. I packed up some of my clothes to cover up the fact I'll just sneak in at night. I brought the bag downstairs and Anna looked sad. I went over and gave her a hug.

"It's ok I have a plan" I whispered in her ear. She gave me a suspicious look and nodded. She made breakfast and brought some down to Katie.

"We should have another sleep over" Katie said coming upstairs. "You know before we're split up for the senior trip" she added.

"Yea I think it'd be fun" Anna said.

"Just don't know I don't wanna hear that shit" Katie said. I choked a bit on my food from laughing. After we finished eating we went out to Anna's car and headed to school. We picked up Emmi and Juj on the way.

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