Traped in my thoughts

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As I pulled into my driveway I started thinking about what's been going on between me and Eva the past few days. As my hand rested in her inner thigh and she played with my rings I started thinking about how bad I want to make our relationship official. But is it the right time? We just started talking. I've fallen really hard for her but I don't want to rush it.

"You ok?" Eva said bringing me out of my thoughts. I gave her a smile and nodded as I lightly squeezed her thigh. I pulled into my driveway and saw my moms cars parked in the driveway. The only reason Eva has really been able to stay with me is because they left and took my brothers on a trip to California for something. They didn't ever tell me what it was so they just left me in Michigan clueless as to where they were. I looked at Eva and she was confused.

"Who's that?" She said pointing at the car.

"My parents and two brothers" I said unbuckling my seatbelt. I got out and went around opening Eva's door. She said thank you and I grabbed our backpacks leading her into the house. I grabbed my keys and walked in. My dad, mom, younger brother Brandon, and older brother tommy all turned their heads.

"Hey guys I missed you" I said breaking the loud ass silence.

"Hey Anna we missed you too. Who's your friend she's hot" my older brother said. Ugh gross.

"This is Eva" he put his hand out for her to shake and she grabbed it. As he was pulling away from the hand shake I grabbed his wrist aggressively pulling him into a hug. As he tried to pull away I tightened my grip. "Don't even think about it" I whispered in his ear. I let go of the hug and acted natural. I hugged Brandon and my mom and dad. I introduced everyone to Eva and they all seemed to like her. I kept an eye on tommy during him and Eva's one on one interactions they had. I still haven't told my parents she's been staying with me while they were away. I honestly don't plan on it and if I have to I'll sneak her into the house at night.

"You ok? You keep zoning out" Eva said sitting next to me putting her legs over mine.

"I'm ok just thinking" I said rubbing her thigh.

"O-ok do y-you wanna talk ab-out it?" She stuttered out. I smirked to myself and took my hand off her thigh. Her face was bright red.

"No I'm ok" I said leaning in. She connected our lips. I smiled at the taste of her freshly applied chapstick. I brought my hand up to the back of her head tangling my fingers in her soft shirt hair intensifying the kiss. She shifted herself so she was completely on my lap with her legs on either side of me. I leaned back holding the passionate kiss. I put my hands on her lower back.

"Hey Anna- oh my god ewwww" Brandon said slamming the den door. I pulled away from the kiss and gave her a lazy smile. I moved her off me and got up going to see what trouble I was in for my little brother walking in on me and Eva making out. I opened the door immediately having my moms death stare glaring into my soul.

"I know I know you don't have to give me "the talk". I know what could've happened and it would've because she's not ready I wouldn't rush her into that. But look I really like her ok. We aren't dating but I like her and I think she likes me so if you guys would just give me a fucking break and let me like someone I would greatly appreciate it" I said. My moms glare softened and she looked behind me. I saw Eva standing in the door way and I gave her a light smile as I felt my face heat up. I grabbed my phone off the counter and went to my room. I grabbed my headphones and plugged them into my phone. I played music and plopped down on my bed.

"I'm sorry that he had to see that. It was my fault please don't punish Anna for it" I said. Anna's dad looked at her mom.

"She knows she wasn't supposed to have anyone over here while we were gone and she still did and by the looks of it she obviously hooked up with someone in the process" her brother tommy said. Ok he's starting to get on my nerves.

"We didn't hook up" I said.

"Well nonetheless she wasn't supposed to have you here so she's grounde-"

"She let me stay here because I have a poor relationship with my parents and I just needed a break from them. Anna was so kind to let me stay here and we grew close and eventually started talking. If it means it will get Anna out of trouble I'll leave I'll stay with my parents and just deal with them. Just please don't punish her" I said cutting her mom off. Her mom nodded and pointed upstairs. I sighed and turned around going up to Anna's room. I knocked and she didn't answer so I lightly cracked open the door seeing her laid out on her bed. I tapped her knee to let her know I was there. She lifted her head up and gave me a light smile. I climbed on top of her and laid down. She put her hands on my lower back giving me instant butterflies.

Before Eva came in I was thinking of how to ask her to be my girlfriend. I won't do it for a while but I wanted to have my plan sorted out. I made a list of her favorite things as I learned them over time. I plan on putting everything she likes into one thing. I rubbed Eva's back and gave her light kisses on the neck. I started leaving a light hickey on her neck and she giggled into my neck. I stopped and picked up my phone pausing the music. I started watching tik tok. I was scrolling for about 15 minutes when I felt her lift her head up. I ignored it and she brought her head to my ear I felt her hot breath on my ear sending chills down my spine. She put her hand on the side of my face. I'm so confused as to what is happening right now but whatever it is don't break character. I continued to ignore her and watch tik tok as she completely turned me on by leaving light kissed on my neck and occasional hickeys. She brought her mouth back to my ear and she let out a small moan. Oh god. I rolled my eyes and smirked. I yanked my headphones out of my ear and turned us over. I looked down at her as she gave me a sneaky look. I went down to kiss her when she put her hand on my chest pushing me away.

"Sorry I'm not in the mood" she said tilting her head giving me an innocent smile. I giggled and rolled my eyes kissing her forehead. I rolled over next to her and she cuddled into my side. God I can't wait to make this girl mine.

I'm back guys. I'll update again tomorrow. Hopefully both stories will have a new chapter. Love you all thanks for being patient🤍

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