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(Remember how I said there was gonna be 14 parts of them being in New York? Yea nevermind I ran out of ideas for what they can do in NY)

I finished packing all of our clothes and zipped up our bags. Eva was in the shower. She was playing music and I could faintly hear her singing. I smiled to myself listening to how amazing her voice was. I put the bags by the door and sat on the bed waiting for her to finish up. I scrolled through my phone for a few minutes before hearing the bathroom door open. I looked to my left and saw her standing in the doorway with a towel wrapped around her.

"I forgot clothes" she said laughing. I shook my head and laughed walking over to our bags. I opened hers and pulled out an outfit I thought would look good on her.

"Here you go baby" I said handing it to her.

"Thanks bubba" she said giving me a quick kiss. I smiled and closed the bathroom door. I could still slightly hear her singing through the door. It sent chills down my spine as she came to the chorus. I put my phone down and laid back listening to her sing. Soon she walked out and sat next to me. I looked at her and I was right she did look good. Well I mean when does she not. She finished tying her shoes and she looked at me.

"What?" She said smiling.

"Your a good singer you know that?" I said sitting up.

"Oh shut up I am not" she said pushing me.

"Yes you are" I argued.

"Your just saying that cause I'm your girlfriend" she said.

"Oh so you admit your mine?" I asked with a smirk.

"Well yea. You asked me to be your girlfriend and I said yes. So yes I admit I'm yours and yours alone" she said giggling.

I slowly brought my hand up to her neck adding slight pressure to her throat. "You admit your mine and no one else can have you?" I whispered in her ear. I can tell it drives her crazy when I do things like this. She slightly nodded. I smirked and took my hand off her throat. I kissed her neck a few times before looking back into her beautiful brown eyes. I pulled away and looked at her. Her face was a bright red and her mouth was slightly open. I smirked at her and laughed.

"Is this what I do to you? I turn you into a statue?" I said laughing and shaking her.

"That was- wow" she said. I giggled and stood up. I pulled out my phone checking the time.

"We gotta go to the lobby so we don't get left behind" I said putting out my hand for her. She grabbed it and I helped her stand up. We walked over to the door and I grabbed our bags with one hand and interlocked my other hand with hers. She opened the door and we walked out and down to the lobby.

It drives me crazy when she says and does things like that. Even when she's trying to be dominant towards me she's still gentle. When she put her hand on my throat she applied little to no pressure it was kind of just there. It was still hot though. I handed our key card to the lady at the lobby and we sat down where we normally do. There was a lot of space and pretty much everyone was sitting down. Me and Anna talked to Katie and Karina who were of course with Chris and Mason. After a few minutes Mr. Mathews came down to the lobby with the rest of the teachers.

"Ok everyone the bus should be here in about 5 minutes. She is just down the street and when she gets her we will form a single file line that starts with the people who sat in the very back. You will sit in the same seat you did on the way here and next to the same person you shared a room with. No exceptions" he said. Everyone nodded went back to talking.

Soon the bus came and we did as we were told. Anna was behind me holding my waist. Her hands were resting on my stomach above my waist band. She was tracing circles on my stomach giving me butterflies. The teachers started walking out and we followed. We got in the bus and walked back to our seats. I sat by the window and Anna sat by the isle. She looked at me and smiled before kissing my forehead. I smiled and looked at her.

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