Bonfire pt 1

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(This song is so good)

I woke up to Eva scratching my head. I smiled and kissed her stomach. She looked down at me and giggled. I put my hand on her thigh and moved my thumb back and forth. I looked up at her and she was smiling. I giggled at her and moved up to her face giving her a kiss. She set down her phone and put her hands on my cheeks deepening the passionate kiss. I smiled into it and kept kissing her. We pulled away after a while and smiled at each other.

"I love you" she said still smiling.

"I love you too" I said giggling. I kissed her forehead and got off of her. "You hungry?" I asked going up the stairs.

"Yea" she said going back on her phone. I nodded and went upstairs. I started making eggs bacon and toast. Just something easy before we go hang out with Emmi Juj and Ami. They couldn't go on the trip so we haven't seen them in a week. I started making the eggs when I heard footsteps behind me. I looked back and it was my mom.

"Oh hi mom" I said turning back to the stove. "Eva's here I hope that's ok" I added in a quiet tone.

"That's fine" she said letting out a sigh.

"Mom can you just give her a chance? She's really great and I love her" I said kind of irritated.

"Sure Anna. I'll give your little girlfriend a chance to prove to me she won't break your heart like the last one did" she said raising her voice. I just rolled my eyes and kept cooking. After about 10 minutes everything was done. I made extra for my mom and left it on the stove. I made me and Eva each a plate and brought it down to the basement.

"Here you go baby" I said letting out a sigh.

"Thank you bubba. Are you ok?" She asked taking a bite.

"Yea my moms here she just irritates me"

"Ok" she rested her head on my shoulder and we ate in silence. I'm glad she's not forcing me to talk about it and she's just being her with me. I finished my food and set my plate down. I put my hand on her back moving it up and down as she continued to eat. I was scrolling on my phone when I got a text from Zack. 'Hey there's a bonfire tonight. You should come. Bring your girlfriend' is what he said. I looked at Eva and showed her the text.

"Do you wanna go?" I asked. She nodded and smiled.

"Sure" she said setting down her plate. I guess we aren't hanging out with Emmi Juj and Ami today. I texted Zack back and told him we were coming. He left me in read and I set down my phone. I turned to look at Eva and she was smirking at me.

"What?" I said smiling.

"Nothing... just- nothing" she said looking me up and down. I gave her a confused smile and she tackled me onto the couch. She pinned my hands above my head and looked down at me with a smirk.

"Oh so you wanna top me now?" I said smirking at her.

"Now? This has happened before" she said emphasizing the 'has'. She came down and close to my face to where our lips were barely grazing each other. "Or have you forgotten about the fun we had in the hot tub?" She whispered on my lips. I gulped as the memories from that night flooded my brain. She smirked again and moved down to my neck leaving light kisses along my jawline down to my neck then my collarbone leaving light hickeys. I let out a soft moan in her ear as she pulled away from my neck. She hovered above me and loosened her grip on my wrists. I smirked to myself and flipped us over. I grabbed both her wrists with one hand and pinned them above her head how she had mine. She looked up at her hands and back at me smirking. I returned the smirk and went to her neck. I left hickeys in the most noticeable and exposed spots of her neck.

"Anna..." she breathed out. I smirked to myself and continued leaving hickeys. I left a few on either side of her neck and pulled away looking at them. They weren't very dark but still noticeable. She opened her eyes and looked at me.

"How bad is it?" She asked referring to the hickeys.

"Eh noticeable enough" I said. She rolled her eyes and tried to get up but remembered I had her hands pinned above her head. She looked up and scoffed. "Oh can you not get up?" I said with a smirk.

"Anna let go" she said in a whiny voice. I laughed and let go of her hands after giving her a quick kiss. She sat up and pushed me.

"When's the bonfire?" She asked.

"Sometime tonight" I said eating the rest of her bacon.

"Ok. Ima go take a shower" she said walking to the bathroom. Before she walked all the way in she stopped. "You can join me if you'd like" she said. And with that she closed the door. I smirked to myself and set down my phone. I quickly ran up the stairs and shut the basement door. I ran back down and knocked a little before opening the door just to let her know I was there.

There was a light knock at the door and Anna walked in. I knew she would or else I would've locked the bathroom door. I had already taken off my shirt before she came in. She slowly walked closer to me placing her hands on my waist. She pulled me close to her and rested her head on mine.

"Your so perfect" she whispered. I looked up at her and she was smiling. I pulled her into an aggressive kiss. Her grip on my waist tightened and she pulled my body as close as possible to her. She turned me and pushed me so my back was against the wall. I pulled away from the kiss and lifted her shirt above her head throwing it to the side. I pulled her back into the kiss and ran my hands up and down her abs. She slowly started pulling my pants off and I did the same to her. We pulled away from the kiss and got in the previously turned on shower.

She pushed me against the shower wall the same way I was before. We made out for a while before I felt her connect her thumb to my clit. I let out a gasp followed by a small moan as she moved her thumb in circles. She continued to kiss me as I let out faint moans in her mouth. Soon she took her thumb away and inserted two fingers. I let out a slightly louder moan and put my hand on the back of her head. She started to slow down and I opened my eyes looking at her.

"Why'd you stop" I asked in a whiny voice.

"Just trust me" she said. She took her fingers out completely and got down on her knees. I prepared myself because I knew what was coming. I put my head against the wall as she slowly started to suck on my clit. I let out a loud moan which seemed to satisfy her because I felt her smile against me. I put my hand on her head holding her in place as I felt myself getting closer.

"Anna I'm go- gonna cu-m" I said being cut of by loud moans. She inserted her tongue for a while and I came all in her mouth. She licked me clean for a minute and came back up to my face. She had my liquids dripping down her chin. She made eye contact with me and licked it off. That was hot not gonna lie. My legs were shaking and I was out of breath. She helped me wash my hair and then did hers. She washed her body and then let me wash myself. I got out of the shower and waited for her. She grabbed our towels and we dried off and got changed. It was still pretty early so we laid down and took a nap before getting ready for the bonfire.

The next chapter will be out tomorrow. Prepare for some drama😩 and I promise no one cheats on anyone

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