Drives around NY

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I woke up pretty late today. At least it's Saturday and we don't have anything to do. Yesterday we just hung out with Katie Karina Chris and Mason. It was pretty fun we swam and drove around a bit. Chris and Mason are pretty cool I can't believe I never talked to them before. It's 1:30 right now and I'm just laying with Eva cuddled into my side. The other day I realized we haven't done anything by ourselves yet in New York. I was thinking of going back to the runway and watching the sunset with Eva and eating snacks. You know just some time for us. I gently moved her off me. She moved a little bit and I stood still in case she woke up. But she didn't. I quietly walked over to our bags and picked us outfits. I grabbed myself a black hoodie and a flannel and I grabbed her a black crop top along with jeans for both of us. After getting our clothes I walked back over to the bed so I could wake her up.

"Get up baby" I said gently shaking her. She nuzzled her face in the pillow and pulled the blankets over her head. I laughed and ripped the blankets off her. She still didn't get up so I picked her up and playfully body slammed her into the bed. She laughed and pushed me off her. I giggled and stood over her at the edge of the bed.

"There. Now get up we're doing something. Just us" I said playfully punching her as she tried to lay back down.

"What are we doing?" She said smiling.

"Well I was gonna surprise you but we're gonna drive around and blast music until the sun starts to set then we're gonna go back to the runway and watch the sunset together" I explained smiling. Her face lit up and she quickly got up and jumped on me.

"Ok. I'll get up" she said laughing. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"I picked us out matching outfits again but mines a little more masculine than yours" I said walking over to our bags. She shrugged and I handed her the outfit I picked for her. I showed her mine and she quickly went into the bathroom to change. I laughed and started changing into my outfit.

After I changed I walked out of the bathroom and saw Anna on the bed tying her shoes. And when I tell you my jaw was on the floor. She looked so good.

"You're drooling" she said with a smirk. I felt my face heat up and she laughed a me.

"Shut up meany" I said trying to cover my face.

"Make me" she said with another smirk. She laughed at my speechlessness and stood up walking over to me. She put her hands on my waist and pulled me closer to her. Our faces were inches apart and I felt her breath on my lips. She lifted her head up a bit making her bottom lip brush up against my top lip. After that I quickly latched my mouth onto hers. I felt her smile against my lips and she pulled me closer to her leaving no space between our body's. We both pulled away after about a minute for air and she rested her forehead on mine.

"I love you" she said pecking my lips one more time.

"I love you more" I said knowing she'd argue.

"Mmm not possible" she said letting go of me. I knew it.

"Very possible" I said grabbing the car keys.

"Don't argue with me" she said gently pushing me against the wall. She held a tight grip on my waist. She was already a little taller than me and the shoes she was wearing just increased the height difference. I stared up into her beautiful blue eyes as she held that stupid smirk on her face. "I love you more and you just have to accept that. Now be a good girl and don't argue with me" she whispered in my ear. Holy shit that the hottest thing she's ever done. I need to see this side of her more often. My breath hitched and I hesitantly nodded. She smirked and released her grip from my waist letting me walk away from the wall.

"Ready to go baby?" She said as if she didn't just have me pinned up against a wall. I smiled and nodded still speechless thinking about what just happened. She grabbed the keys out of my hand and opened the door grabbing the key card we have to use so we can get in the room. I walked out behind her and waited as she locked the door. She grabbed my hand interlocking our fingers and we walked down to the car. I still can't stop thinking about what just happened. I want her to rail the fuck out of m- woah there chill Eva. She got in the car and plugged in a much needed aux cord. She smiled and handed it to me.

"Play whatever you want" she said starting the car.

"Thanks bubba" I finally got something to come out of my mouth. She nodded and pulled out of the hotel parking lot. I thought I'd play Anna's favorite and put on some Bazzi. I played 'changed' and she looked over at me with a big smile. She turned it up and started singing. I laughed at her goofy hand movements.

We drove around for a while exploring the city. We saw huge buildings and lots of people walking the streets. She had her hand on the middle of my thigh. At red lights she would look at me and move her hand up and down smiling at me. We would exchange kisses every once in a while and just drove around enjoying each other's company. Soon the sun started setting and Anna pulled into a basic little drugstore.

"You can stay in her I'll be right back" she said getting out. I nodded and went on my phone. After a couple minutes she came out holding two bags. She handed them to me and I looked in them. I was about to ask her why she got so much candy but she ran back in. I was confused for a second until she came back out with two slushes. I smiled and shook my head. She laughed and opened her door.

"We're going to the runway but what's a good date without food?" She said putting the slushes in the cup holders.

"Your crazy. Why'd you get a bag full of candy?" I said laughing.

"I got chips too dummy" she said buckling her seat belt. I looked in the other bag and nodded. She started the car and headed in the direction of the runway. I was happy we're going back. When we first went we couldn't really enjoy the view so I'm excited. Soon we pulled into the familiar dirt road and soon were on the runway. She put the car in park and unbuckled her seatbelt. She reached down and grabbed the bag that had a bunch of chips in it and pulled out hot Cheeto puffs. I laughed and shook my head.

"I love you baby" she said smiling.

"I love you too bubba" I said giggling. I grabbed one of the slushes and took a drink. We talked and ate our snacks for a few hours just enjoying each other's company. We talked about college and our plans. You know just the basic things like our majors and what we can do on free days.

As she finished her second bag of Cheetos she threw one at me. I looked at her with a fake offended look and she laughed. I threw a sour patch kid at her and she gave me a similar look. She reached in the bag and grabbed one. She put it up to her mouth and bit off it's head. I let out a dramatic gasp.

"You killed it!" I said still being dramatic.

"I guess you shouldn't have thrown his friend at me huh?" She said eating the rest. I sighed and looked down acting sad. She laughed and pushed me. I looked up at her and we made eye contact. She smiled and just stared in my eyes. "God your beautiful" she said under her breath. I smiled and felt my face heat up. She brought her hand up to my cheek and pulled my into a kiss. I smiled into it and set down the candy that was in my hands. I cupped her face with my hands making the kiss grow more passionate. It's amazing how many butterflies this girl gives me still.

~in both their heads~
I'm so in love with her.

I really like this chapter🌚

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