Being annoying

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(Peep the sign jersey made for Anna)

I woke up to my alarm blaring right in my ear. I immediately turned it off hoping it didn't wake Eva up. I rolled over and she wasn't there. What the fuck? Did she leave? I got up and put on jeans and a hoodie.

"Eva?!" I yelled running downstairs. As soon as I got down there she was on the couch.

"What? Why are you yelling" she said walking over to me.

"Sorry I thought you left" I said giggling. She giggled and pulled me in for a kiss. I pulled away smiling.

"You woke up early" I said sitting at the counter.

"Yea I woke up at like 4 am and couldn't fall back asleep so I just got dressed and watched TV" she said.

"You sould've woke me up" I said nudging her shoulder.

"No I wanted to let you sleep plus I felt bad about last night" she said.

"Hey you don't have to feel bad you didn't do anything wrong if you didn't want to then you didn't want to. Plus that's not what a relationship is about" I said.

"Relationship?" She said blushing a bit.

"Oh um" I said scratching the back of my head.

"I'm just joking I know what you meant" she said. I nodded and let out a nervous laugh. I grabbed my phone to check the time. Shit we have to go.

"C'mon we have to go so we can pick up the girls" I said. She nodded and stood up following me out of the door. I opened her door and plugged my phone into the aux.

"Hey I wanted aux" she said pouting. I laughed and shrugged walking to the drivers side. I picked up my phone and played one of my playlists. I grabbed her hand and kissed it before slipping my hand onto her thigh just above her thigh. She giggled and put her hand on top of mine. We soon pulled into Katie's driveway. She came out after I honked a few times. She looked super hungover. I bursted out laughing as she got in the car.

"Oh shut up Zack's parties are great" she said slamming the car door.

"Ok dude chill" I said still laughing a bit. We went and picked up Juj and Emmi.

I have no clue who Zack is but I want to go to one of his parties. We were still laughing about Katie's hangover when Katie gasped really loud honestly being super dramatic.

"What is your problem" Anna said laughing.

"Your hand is on her thigh!" Katie yelled making Emmi and Juj look at my thigh.

"Ok so? Big deal my hand is on her thigh? Who gives a fuck?" Anna said. We all bursted out laughing.

"Well it is a big deal cause it either means you guys fucked or are dating or talking" Julia said. Oh god.

"We went on a date and we've kissed a few times. Happy? There's a little life update for you guys" Anna said annoyed. She took her hand off my thigh and put it in the center console. I was kind of mad she took it off but I get it she's annoyed at her friends and they're being annoying. Anna just kept driving to school. We soon pulled in and she parked. She got out and went around opening all of our doors. I said thank you and got out following her into the building. We were the first ones in so she turned to me giving me a small kiss. I don't know how long it was but it was long enough for Emmi Julia and Katie to walk in and see us.

"Oh my god" Katie said. Anna pulled away and rolled her eyes.

"Ok god we're talking but would you leave it alone before you ruin it" Anna said walking away.

"C'mon guys she's getting mad and we have only kissed. Ok? Stop asking questions and let us have our own relationship before you ruin it like she said. God it's not that hard to let us have our own relationship" I said in one breath.

"Ok we're sorry" Katie said. I nodded and walked to first period. I heard them laughing in the distance but I ignored it and walked into class.

God my friends are so annoying. All they've ever done is ruin my relationships. I really want this to work with Eva and if they keep bugging us about it the bond with her will get old and we will either drift apart or stop talking and end up being just friends.

"You ok?" Eva said sitting next to me. I nodded my head and started talking notes of what the teacher was saying. She rubbed my back and did the same thing.

After school-

School is finally fricken over. Every period began the same all of my teachers were talking about the senior trip. I mean it will be fun but they haven't even told us where we're going. They said they will tell us on Monday. I picked up my books walking to Eva's 8th period class. She wasn't dismissed yet so I just stood there on my phone. I was scrolling on Instagram when my face got pulled up and I got kissed. I knew it was Eva by the way she kissed me. I smiled into it deepening the kiss. She giggled and pulled away.

"Hi" she said draping her arms around my shoulders.

"Hi" I said wrapping mine around her waist. I kissed her forehead and started walking to our friends. They were talking about something and I can guarantee that they were talking about me and Eva.

"Hey guys" I said walking up behind them.

"Oh hey" Katie said nervously. I knew it.

"Welp we are gonna go to my house. I'll see you guys tomorrow and we can all hang out" I said walking out with Eva.

"Sorry they're just being annoying" I said getting in the car.

"Yea I know it's fine" she said. I leaned over the center console and gave her a kiss. She smiled pulling away and I headed to my house.

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