These are my friends

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Finally it's lunch. Now I can introduce Eva to my friends. I have a feeling they're all gonna either hate her or like her way to much. Me and Eva don't have 4th period together so I have to go to her class. As I was on my way over to her class I saw her walking out with Karina. At least she knows one of my friends already. Karina can see right through people it's like a super power and she's been my best friend since the 4th grade. I walked up behind Eva and held my finger up to my lips signaling Karina not to say anything.

"Boo!" I yelled scaring Eva.

"Anna what the fuck" she said.

"Sorry. I see you've met the one and only Karina" I said wrapping my arm around Karinas shoulder.

"Yea you two know each other?" Karina said.

"Yea I gave her a tour and told her she can hang out with us" I said. Karina nodded and then turned around going towards the gym.

"C'mon the others are probably waiting" I said. She followed behind me and we walked in. I looked around and saw Karina sitting down next to Katie, Rachel, Emmi. Ami, and Julia or Juj as we call her.

"They're over there" I said pointing to them. We walked over to them and sat down.

"Guys this Eva she's new and will be hanging out with us whether you like it or not" I said smiling.

"Wow ok way to be rude" Emmi said. "Where'd you move from?" She said.

"Detroit" Eva said. Oh so not to far from here.

"Oh cool well I'm Emmi this is Ami Juj Katie Rachel and Karina" Emmi said.

"Nice to meet you all" Eva said. The rest of lunch everyone got to know Eva and she's really interesting. And she's really nice. Everyone seems to like her so that's good. After lunch we all went to our final class. On my way out of my 8th period class Eva stopped me.

"Hey wanna hang out? I don't have any homework and no other friends." She said with a nervous laugh.

"Yea sure. Can i get your number so you can text me your address?" I said. She gave me her phone to put my number in and I did. She texted me her address and I added her to my contacts. I walked out with her and went to my car.

I drove home so I could change into something more comfortable. I changed into a black crew neck and some baggy jeans. I ran downstairs and texted Eva I was on my way.

"Hey mom I'm going to a friends house I hope that's ok" I said. She smiled and nodded. I walked out the door to my car. I put Eva's address into my phone and started to drive. After about 5 minutes I got there she only lives a few streets over. I texted her that I was here and she said to just come in. I got out of the car and walked up. I opened the front door.

"Eva I'm here" I yelled.

"Come upstairs" I heard her say faintly. I walked up the stairs and saw her through a cracked door. I slowly walked up to it and gently knocked on the frame. She stood up and pulled me in.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey" she said.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked.

"We can watch movies. We can just chill. We can talk get to know each other. Vibe to music?" She said.

"How about we multi task? Music and talking?" I said. She got up and grabbed a speaker. She turned it on and connected her phone. She started playing some of my favorite songs. We just vibed to music and got to know each other. We shared the basics our childhoods our first heart breaks you know the things that built our character. I ended up staying for like 6 hours just talking and laughing with her. I went home and got ready for bed. I texted everyone good night and added Eva to the group chat. I fell asleep thinking about mine and Eva's friendship growing.

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