October day 2: party city

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After school we all loaded up in my car as we usually do and I started driving to party city so we can get decorations for the party. We blasted music the whole way. I pulled into the parking lot and we got out. I grabbed Eva's hand interlocking our fingers. Karina grabbed a cart and we went around talking as I threw stuff in the cart.

After going down the first isle I forgot what I was going to get besides what I currently have. So I pulled out my phone and opened my notes going to the list I made last night while Eva was asleep.

-fake spray blood
-caution tape
-white streamers
-warning signs
-white dress and black wig
-gallon of fake blood
-fake spider webs
-fake spiders
-fake coffin
-fake limbs
-plastic chains
-plastic zombie heads
-clear plastic bags
-mason jars
-plastic skulls

The list was pretty long but I had some good ideas. We continued walking around and I kept throwing things in the cart and marking it off the list. Soon enough we were almost done.

"I can't find any string" I said as everyone asked why I was getting frustrated.

"Well go ask a worker" Katie said laughing. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the front of the store.

"Hi what can I help you with" the cashier asked.

"Um do you have string? Like white string?" I asked. She nodded and I followed her to the isle everyone was on. Wow so I was in the right place I'm just blind. She squatted down in front of me and grabbed 3 rolls of white string. She stood up and turned to me.

"Here you go" she said.

"Thanks" I said and threw it in the cart.

"Um can I maybe get your number?" She asked. I looked back and saw Eva getting mad. She glared at the girl.

"I have a girlfriend actually sorry" I said as I confidently walked over to Eva and wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

"Oh sorry" she said, her face turning bright red. She walked away and Eva laughed. I giggled and we continued getting the last few items. We walked to the check out and I payed for everything. We left with 5 bags and a big plastic coffin. This party is going to be so sick. We had some trouble getting the coffin in the range but we made it work. Well after Katie and Karina started offering to lay in the coffin on the way home. After denying both of them multiple times we got the coffin in the car and made it home safely.

"Ok Anna I need to know. What is your plan for this. I mean it seems pretty cool based off the decorations you bought but like I can't really imagine what your going to do with it all" Emmi asked.

"Ok well the spider webs are going in the corners of the basement with a spider or two sitting in each, the chains will hand from the ceiling with the skulls attached to them" I took a breath.

"A few of the zombie heads will be put in the jars and set on the little tables next to the drinks, the spray blood will go on the doors and we will spray it on our costumes, the rest of the spiders will hang from the ceiling by string, the remaining amount of chains will hold limbs and a few zombie heads from the ceiling"

"Um the fake blood will be splattered all over the bathroom and I will put hand prints on the shower door and some of the walls, the white streamers will have blood splattered on them and be hung along the walls, and the caution tape will be at the entrance of the basement and I'll make it so people can open and close it and not have to rip it open or jump over it" I finally finished explaining.

"Damn you really thought about this huh?" Juj asked. I nodded and smiled exited to start setting up in a few weeks.

"Ok wait I heard something about costumes? And blood being splattered on them?" Ami asked.

"Yup. Good idea right?" I asked.

"Well yea but are we 100% on the costumes?" She said. Wow way to tear down my idea Ami.

"Ok well I just thought it was a good idea" I said sitting down resting my chin on the palm of my hand. Eva rubbed my back.

"It's a good idea I'm just still not 100% on power rangers" Ami said.

"Well I already bought the costumes. Almost 90 dollars" I said.

"90 bucks on some costumes?" Katie asked.

"Yea I got good quality ones" I said. Eva laughed. "I did!" I said laughing with her. Everyone started laughing with us. After a while of debating we finally agreed that power rangers were a good idea BUT Ami still wanted to keep her options open so I also got us all avengers costumes. Ami was fine with avengers but not power rangers. Wow Ami. She's so mean to me :'(

We made food, ate and I took everyone home. Me and Eva went upstairs and laid down after taking a shower. We put on Netflix for background noise and fell asleep cuddling. I'm still so I'm love with this girl I can't wait for our future.

Uh so who wants to hire me to plan Halloween parties for them 🌚 anyways vote in the comments on power rangers or avengers.

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