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Today I thought we could just hang out at my house. Maybe watch some movies, play board games, and of course listen to music. Speaking of I keep waking up super early so I'm gonna listen to music and wait for everyone to wake up. I gently got off the couch since I was in the middle everyone. I walked upstairs to my room and grabbed my AirPods. I went back downstairs. I don't know why but I played my feels playlist. It's mostly love songs and heart break songs. I sat down and turned on my Xbox. I turned the volume all the way down and played Minecraft for a few hours.

I woke up and saw Anna playing Minecraft. I smiled and looked over at her. She had headphones in so she didn't notice me. I quickly grabbed my phone and took a picture of her. She was so focused on the game it was cute. I examined the picture and smiled. I set it as my wallpaper and got up. I walked over and sat next to her. She pulled out one of her headphones.

"Good...afternoon" she said pausing to check her phone.

"Good afternoon" I said resting my head on her shoulder. She put her headphone in my ear and she was listening to 'Saturday nights' by Khalid. I giggled a bit and watched her play Minecraft. Soon Katie Rachel Emmi and Ami woke up. Karina wasn't here when I woke up so I don't know where she went.

"Good afternoon" me and Anna said at the same time.

"Afternoon?" Katie said. I nodded and she laughed. I got up and brushed my teeth because I was to focused on Anna to do it when I woke up. I used the restroom and walked out. Anna was gone and her game was unpaused. I saw her getting attacked by a zombie so I grabbed the controller and killed it for her. I saved the game and went upstairs. She was making food talking to Katie and they were playing Blackbear just barley loud enough to hear it.

"I saved your game you almost died" I said sitting next to Katie.

"Oh shit I forgot to exit. Thanks" she said. I laughed and nodded. Me and Katie had a little conversation and I kept glancing over at Anna. She looked so good just standing there. Oh my god Eva you need to you stop you just met this girl.

I kept seeing Eva glance at me out of the corner of my eye. I finished cooking and made plates for everyone.

"Thanks" Eva said smiling. I nodded and went to get Ami Emmi and Rachel.

"Guys I made food" I yelled out into the backyard. They came running in and started eating. I made myself a plate and started talking to the girls.

"What are we doing today Anna?" Eva said.

"Just chilling. Why do you keep asking me?" I said.

"Well you planned the Friendsgiving so I'd expect you to have stuff planned she said. I laughed and nodded in agreement. We talked about school.

"So are we getting report cards when we go back?" Katie said.

"Yea probably" Emmi said.

"Welp I'm probably gonna get grounded" Katie said. She gets grounded if her grades or bad. She just can't go anywhere for a week every grade she has that's less than a C. I laughed and we kept talking about grades and how we hate our teachers. We went downstairs and sat on the couches.

"Wanna watch movies?" I said. Everyone nodded and I looked through Netflix. I made my way to the romance movies. I found one called 'dear John' I clicked on it.

"This?" I said.

"Yea sure why not" Eva said. I pressed play and Eva cuddled up next to me. I put my hand on her head and ran my fingers through her hair.

I had a tear roll down my cheek. This movie is so sad at some parts. I sniffled and Anna looked at me. 'You ok?' She mouthed not disrupting the others while they slept. I nodded and kept watching the movie. It was over in about 45 minutes. I took my head off Anna's chest and looked at her. She giggled and wiped my tears. I looked her her eyes and she looked in mine. Her hands were still on my cheeks. I brought my hand up the her hand and grabbed it moving my thumb back and forth. I started to lean in.

"Uh am I interrupting something" Karina said coming downstairs. Anna took her hands off my cheek and looked at Karina.

"No she was crying from a movie and I was wiping her tears" Anna said. I nodded and Karina gave us a 'yea ok' look. She sat down and grabbed Anna's controller. She turned on criminal minds and I laid on Anna's chest again. I felt myself falling asleep.

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