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1 week later-

Ahh finally thanksgiving break. I'm gonna spend the whole thing with my friends. Maybe we can have Friendsgiving this year. I think it'd be fun to do. It would be a good opportunity to get to know Eva more. I texted the group chat and asked them.

Soccer hoes

"Who's down for Friendsgiving this year?" I said.

"Ooh yesssss" Katie said.

"I might be able too" Karina said.

"Yea I would rather be with you guys than my family" Eva said. I caught myself smile at that. Everyone except Julia agreed and said they could come. Now I just have to think of things to do this week. We can have a sleepover tonight. So I texted them to come over at 7 everyone said ok. I got up off my bed and cleaned my room. I went outside set out chairs in case they wanna go in the pool or hot tub or even just hang out in the backyard. I left and went to target so I could get snacks for us. I got about 5 bags of chips and we have drinks at the house. I left target and I saw this girl jersey outside. We made eye contact and I waved. She goes to our school. We've had maybe a conversation or two but that's it. I walked to my car and got in. I started driving when I got a text from Eva.

"Hey where are you? I'm here I thought I could help you prepare for the sleepover" she said. I smiled again. Fuck Anna. No don't do that. Stop smiling at her texts.

"I went to the store. Let yourself in there's a key under the flower pot I'll be back in a few minutes" I texted back. I turned off my phone and kept driving.

I let myself into Anna's house just like she said. I went around the house just making sure she cleaned every room. She forgot the bathrooms so I did that for her. I then went outside to the backyard. I didn't know she had a pool. And a hot tub?! Damn this girls house is so nice. I went back inside and sat at the counter. Anna came back a few minutes later.

"Hey" she said walking in the door.

"Hey. I cleaned the bathroom for you" I said.

"Oh thanks. I got snacks can you get like 3 bowls out of the cabinet?" She said. I nodded and went to the cabinet she pointed too. I pulled out three large bowls and set them down. She dumped the bags of chips on the counter. I grabbed two bags and started pouring them in the bowls. I was slowly pouring the last bag when a chip hit my face. Oh god not again. I threw a chips back at her and she smacked it with her hand.

"Ha! You thought" she said. I threw another at her and grabbed a handful. She grabbed a handful and started throwing them at me.

"Ow you bitch that one hurt" she said throwing another one at me. We went back and forth running through the living room and kitchen. I was almost out of chips so I threw the rest at her all at once. She took a sharp turn around the counter and fell. She hit the floor laughing. I started dying laughing to the point where I could barley breathe. I put my hand out to help her up and she pulled me down with her. I landed on top of her and started laughing even harder. Then we heard the door open.

"What the fuck" Anna said still laughing.

"Where are you bitch" Katie yelled. I got off Anna and actually helped her up.

"Dude why is there chips everywhere? And in your guys hair" Katie said laughing.

"We had another food fight" Anna said.

"You guys are psycho" Katie said. Me and Anna cleaned up the chips and waited for Emmi Karina Rachel and Ami. They all came together at around 7:50. Me Katie and Anna were upstairs in Anna's room just chilling listening to music. Me and Anna had a staring contest and she kept making me laugh. It was hilarious. Ami came running upstairs screaming.

"What the fuck are you screaming about?" Katie said laughing.

"Emmi is trying to kill me" Ami said hiding in the closet.

"Where is she" Emmi yelled running in the room.

"What happened" Anna said laughing.

"She made me chase her down the street when she picked me up" Emmi said looking in the closet. Oh no. Ami yelled and Emmi tackled her to the ground. She just sat on her.

"Wanna go swim?" Anna said.

"Ooh yea" we all said.

"Wait no Emmi is gonna drown me" Ami said.

"No she won't c'mon" Anna said. She gave us all some swim suits and we went in the backyard. Anna was last out of the house a few minutes after all of us and let me tell you she looked...just wow. She came over and got in the pool with us.

"What are you guys staring at?" She said.

"You what else" Rachel said. Everyone said yea except me. Anna was really close to me and I was kinda nervous not gonna lie.

"Why so quite" Anna said looking at me. She had a dorky smile on her face.

"I don't know to be honest" I said with a nervous laugh.

"Yea ok" she said. We hung out in the pool a while. We just talked about school and splashed each other. We also played chicken. It was Emmi and Ami versus me and Anna versus Karina and Katie. Rachel didn't want to play. Me and Anna won of course. And can I just say having her hands on my thighs holding them down gave me so many butterflies in certain places. After we played chicken we got in the hot tub for a few hours. When we went inside Anna brought us downstairs to her basement and we all fell asleep on the couches.

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