Rough day

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I woke up feeling like shit. My head is pounding and the beeping of the machines I'm hooked up to is muffled. My vision is blurry and I feel like there's a mass amount of weight on my chest. I started to panic. I started breathing heavy to the point where I was wheezing. I felt Anna move next to me.

"Baby wha- baby!" She said.

"I- I can't b-breath" I said holding my chest. Anna jumped up and ran out of the room. She came back with a doctor and some nurses.

"Ms. Cudmore I'm gonna need you to calm down. Your having a panic attack" the doctor said laying me down.

"Hey hey hey. Baby listen to the doctor lay down and try to breathe. I'm here" Anna said holding me. "I got you" she said rubbing my head. I flinched as she went over my stitches.

"Oh sorry" she said and moved her hand. I buried my face in her neck and felt myself starting to calm down. Anna held me tight rocking back and forth. "I got her" she whispered to the doctors. Then they walked out. She kissed my head a few times before moving me off her and looking in my eyes.

"What happened?" She asked rubbing my cheek.

"I don't know I just started panicking and I couldn't brea-" she cut me off.

"No not this morning. What happened at the tower? Why'd you let go?"

"I don't know I guess I panicked and let go" I said looking down.

"You didn't let go on purpose right?" She asked quietly.

"Oh bubba. No of course not" I said pulling her into a hug. She started crying in my arms.

"I don't know what id do without you" she said sobbing in my chest.

"I don't know what I'd do without you either" I said kissing her head. I held her in my arms for a while until I felt her fall asleep.

I woke up in Eva's arms. I looked up and she was sleeping peacefully. I want to do something nice for her. These past few days have been rough for her. Maybe I'll get us some lunch. Panda Express sounds good. Yea I'll get that for us. I slowly and quietly got up trying not to wake her. I quietly walked out of the room. I told the doctor I'd be back. I walked out of the hospital and called an Uber. I have to pick up my car. Maybe I'll just get Ava to do it. I sat outside and waited for my Uber. I called Ava during that time and she said she'd pick my car up and bring it to the hospital. Soon my Uber arrived and I got in. I told him to take me to Panda Express. He got us there and I ordered our food. I payed and got back in the Uber. He took us back at the hospital I payed him and went back to Eva's room. I knocked on her door and heard a light raspy voice say 'come in'. I slowly walked in and her room smelled of throw up. I looked at her and she was pale.

"You ok baby?" I asked setting down the food.

"Yea I just don't feel good right now" she said quietly.

"Are you hungry I got foo-" she cut me off.

"Just hold me. Please? I don't want any food" she said. I nodded and walked over to her. I took off my shoes and laid next to her. She wrapped her arms around me and nuzzled her head into my neck. I kissed her head and held her just like she asked. After a while of holding Eva my phone started going off. I picked it up and I had a text from Ava and a few from Katie and Karina. They were all asking to come and see Eva. I told them to wait because she's sleeping. I clicked out of my messages and opened Instagram. I was scrolling through my feed when I saw Ava posted. It was a picture of me with Eva laying on top of me. It was cute. I scrolled down a little to see the caption. She captioned it 'please pray for my friend. She's in the hospital and not doing amazing. Every prayer counts'. I smiled to myself knowing Ava actually cares. I screenshoted the picture cropped it and set it as my Home Screen since I still have that picture of me and Eva kissing as my Lock Screen. I set down my phone and pulled Eva closer to me. I felt a tear fall down my cheek. I really hope she ends up ok. I don't know what if something bad happened to her. Not that this isn't bad already but if something worse were to happen I don't know what i'd do.

I woke up feeling a little better now that I got more rest. I opened my eyes to see Anna holding me staring at the wall. I smiled and moved so I was looking directly at her face. She came out of her thoughts and looked at me with a smile.

"Hi baby" she said rubbing my cheek.

"Hi bubba" I said smiling.

"You hungry I got panda?" She said.

"Yea kinda" I said. I don't even have an appetite but I don't want her to worry. She got up and grabbed the food. She set it on the hospital bed and opened the bag. She handed me a styrofoam box of orange chicken and rice.

"I didn't know your order so I got us the same thing" she said taking a bite.

"Thank you this is fine" I said laying my head on her shoulder. I slowly ate my food and she fed me a bit. It didn't really matter I ended up throwing it all up anyway. We just cuddled most of the day and watched TV. Hospital TV kinda sucks. At around 5 Ava came to see me with Katie and Karina. They kept me company while Anna went and got her laptop so I could watch anime. She came back after about an hour and was wearing fresh clothes and had an overnight bag with her. She hung out with Ava while I talked to Katie and Karina about Chris and Mason. They seem to be happy. After Ava Katie and Karina left Anna put on anime and we cuddled and fell asleep.

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