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I woke up super early. I checked my phone and it was 5 am. I sighed and set it back down turning back to face Anna. She's cute when she sleeps. She looks very at peace. I smiled and scooted closer to her. I put my hand on her cheek moving my thumb back and forth. She moved a little and I stopped trying not to wake her up but I did.

"Hi baby" she said in a raspy voice with her eyes still closed.

"Hi bubba" I said rubbing her cheek again.

"I like it when you do that" she said smiling. I giggled and she pulled me as close to her as possible. I rested my head in the crook of her neck. She started lightly kissing my neck. "What time is it?" She mumbled into my neck.

"5 in the morning. I woke up really early" I said quietly. She nodded and wrapped her arms around me.

"Wanna go on a date after school" she asked.

"Yea we haven't gone in one in a while" I said smiling. We laid holding each other for a while then Anna got a text. She rolled over and grabbed her phone.

"Its my mom. My cousins are coming back to Michigan because my aunt got a job with my mom so I'm in charge of the twins while she's at work. Great" she said letting out a sigh.

"So we have to watch two little demons? For how long?" I said looking at her.

"I don't know hopefully not long" she said pulling me into a kiss. She pulled away and got up. "We haven't matched in a while. Do you want to?" She asked waking to her closet.

"Yea of course I do" I said. She nodded and started looking through clothes. The other day she cleared out part of her closet for my clothes and made me my own little part of the counter in her bathroom. I laid on my phone for a while before she came out of the closet and threw clothes at me.

"Ow you bitch" I said laughing. She laughed and ran to the bathroom.

"I'll change in here tell me when your done!" She yelled from the bathroom. Aw she remembered.

"Ok" I yelled back laughing. I changed into the outfit she picked for me and sat on the bed waiting for her.

"Are you done yet?!" She yelled.

"Oh shit. Yea I am!" I yelled back. She came out and sat next to me.

"Dang baby you did wake up early" she said looking at the time on her phone. She turned off her phone and set it to the side. I was scrolling through Instagram and she was watching with me. After a few minutes I felt her slip her hand on my thigh. My breath hitched and I pursed my lips. I continued to scroll acting normal until she started moving her hand up. I turned my phone off and turned to her.

"What?" She said with a smirk. I climbed on her lap and pulled her into a kiss immediately slipping my tongue in her mouth. Our tongues intertwined for a few minutes before she flipped us over and hovered above me holding the kiss. We made out for a few more minutes before she pulled away. "We can't do this before school" she said breathing heavy.

"Why not? We have time" I said pulling her back in. She kissed me for a second and pulled away. She went close to my ear.

"Because you know I make you shake so bad you can barely walk properly" she whispered in a low voice. My breath hitched and I nodded.

"Okay then" I said under my breath. I checked my phone and it was 30 minutes before school starts. Damn we made out for a while.

"We gotta go so we can pick up the girls" Anna said. We walked out of the house and got in her car. She immediately put her hand on my thigh. I took a deep breath and looked out the window. Control yourself. You can go 3 days without having sex with her. I put my hand on hers and played with her rings. Soon we arrived at Katie's. Anna honked and we sat waiting for her. She was massaging my thigh while still keeping her focus on her phone. Soon Katie came out and got in the car.

"What's up horny fucks" she said shutting the door.

"What do you mean?" Anna said laughing.

"Well your hand is pretty high up on her thigh and she looks extremely flustered" Katie said.

"Observant much?" I said. I moved Anna's hand to the middle of my thigh. She went to Emmi's and to our surprise Juj was there.

"Oh hey guys" Katie said.

"Why you at Emmi's Juj?" Anna said driving off.

"I stayed the night duh" Juj said. Anna nodded and kept driving.

I got out of the car and opened everyone's door. I interlocked my hand with Eva's and we went into the school. I saw Ava at her locker. I walked over to her still holding Eva's hand.

"Hey Ava" I said wrapping my arms around Eva.

"Hey shumate" she said. She shut her locker picked up her bag and we started walking back to Katie Emmi and Juj who were now with Karina.

"Guys this is Ava. Ava this is Katie Karina Emmi and Juj" I said.

"I told you she was a girl" Emmi whispered to Katie. Well she didn't whisper very well but still.

"There was gossip about me?" Ava asked. Everyone gave her a straight face. "Great. Well it was nice meeting you all. Anna you can give them my number we can all hang out sometime but now I'm going to class" she said walking away.

"Ok then" Eva said. I laughed and we started following behind her. Right before we walked into class Eva stopped me. "You know you still owe me right" she whispered.

"Your that horny right now? While we're at school?" I asked laughing.

"Yes I am. So no ones coming to your house after school ok?" She said

"How about I make you a deal? Prom is in a few weeks right? Well I can tease you all I want until then but you can't touch me. You can't touch me in any sexual way until prom is over. Deal?" I said.

"We can kiss right?"

"Yea but you can't clime onto me. As much as I love it when you do. You cant" I said letting out a sigh.

"Fine. But if you take it too far I'll give up. Also what if I do touch you? What happens"

"I'll never touch you again" I said walking into class. I heard her say something but I couldn't quite tell what it was. I laughed and sat down.

I'm bored and my friends are being dickheads😀

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