October day 3: Sab

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I finished printing all the flyers in the school library. I made over 200 so we have enough to pass out and also some extra to hang up around campus. I put them in my backyard and made my way from the library to first period. I was already late but I didn't really care. I walked into class and saw Anna talking to a blonde girl. She had big brown eyes, was a little shorter than Anna even in a chair and was wearing a white crop top. Anna looked over at me and smiled and waved her hand telling me to come over to them. I smiled back and walked over there hearing the girl end their conversation. I sat next to Anna and she kissed my forehead.

"You finish making the flyers?" Anna asked rubbing my thigh up and down.

"Yup" I said pulling them out of my bag. She grabbed one and gave it to the girl who was now facing forward scrolling through her phone.

"Sab. Here you go. Me my girlfriend and some friends are throwing a Halloween party at the end of October. You should come" she said.

"Oh thanks Anna I'll be there" she said with a bright smile.

"And speaking of my girlfriend.. Eva this is Sabrina but she prefers to be called Sab she just moved here and Sab this is my beautiful girlfriend of 2 months Eva" Anna said interlocking our fingers. I smiled and put my free hand out for Sab to shake. She shook my hand and we had a small conversation until Mr. Mathews came in class.

"Hello students..." god I hate school.

First through fifth period I had with Sab. She's cool but flirty. I mean I don't mind but Eva definitely will. Like during third period we were talking after we finished our assignment and she bit her lip and told me I have pretty eyes. Eva wouldn't have liked that. But otherwise she's cool and I could get used to having her around. After fifth period was lunch. Me and Sab met up with everyone and I introduced her. Me and Eva held hands and talked while everyone talked with Sab. She didn't seem interested in what they were saying I kept seeing her stare at me and Eva. Well it was more of a glare. Jealous? As I caught on to what she was thinking I turned Eva's head towards me and slowly kissed her. It wasn't like our kisses in the past. It was nice and gentle. It was amazing. It felt as if the world stopped and it was only us two. All you could hear was the white noise. And with everything I was feeling, all the love I felt for her I wondered if she was thinking the same thing.

I've been overthink a lot lately. Telling myself that she doesn't love me the way I love her and that she's going to leave me. It's not like she's given me a reason to think these things. I know it's probably dumb but I can't stop myself from saying these things to myself it gets scary because I don't want it to be true and I don't want to ask her because I don't want her to say what I think she's going to say, what my mind tells me she's going to say. I pulled away from the kiss and looked in her eyes. She smiled at me and laid her head on my shoulder. I turned and put my head on hers staring at Sab with a smirk as she glared at me and Eva.

Well I guess she's not as supportive about our relationship as I thought...

Ok so what do we think about Sab and her being jealous of Eva and Anna? Lmk ugly whores 😩 Also I just realized that sab hasn't been in this story the whole time

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