The park

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I woke up to the girls blasting 'look at me' by XXXTENTACION. Ughhh it's so early. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. It was 8 am. Oh my god they better have a good reason for waking me up this early. They were all laying down on the floor in a line jamming out to the song. It looked like they were in a cult. I laughed and threw a pillow at Anna. She looked so confused and then she looked at me. She threw the pillow back and paused the song.

"What the fuck play it" Katie said.

"Look she finally woke up. Your a heavy sleeper you know" Anna said. I tried to get up and there was a heavy weight on my back. I looked behind me and there was at least 50 blankets on me. I pushed myself up with all my strength and finally got up. I was out of breath and everyone was laughing at me. I flipped them off and went in the basement bathroom to brush my teeth. Anna came in the bathroom behind me.

"What are we doing today" I said.

"Not sure. Park?" She said. I widened my eyes and nodded. I was leaning over the counter and the bathroom was small so she had to put her hands on my waist to get out. She put her hands on my waist and moved passed me with her hips brushing against my lower back. Again I got butterflies. God I can be having feelings for her. We just met. I brushed it off and finished brushing my teeth. I heard the music start again this time it was 'fuck love' by X I laughed at them laying on the floor. Anna tilted her head back and looked at me. She patted the floor next to her and I went over laying down with them. We vibed to X for a while before getting up and getting ready.

"Anna do you have jeans I can wear?" Karina said. Anna nodded and grabbed her some jeans. I had brought clothes over so I didn't need to borrow hers but I took this as an opportunity to take one of her hoodies.

"Anna can I borrow a hoodie?" I asked.

"Yea check my closet I have tons pick your favorite" she said. I walked in her closet and she had 3 rows of just hoodies. Wow. I grabbed a pink one that had some little characters stitched into it. I put it on and got a whiff of Anna's scent. I giggled and walked out of her closet.

"Looks better on you" she said. I started to feel my face heat up so I laid down on her bed. We waited for everyone to get ready.

"Ok I'm done" Emmi said coming out of the bathroom.

"Finally" we all said. Anna turned off her game and we went outside to her car. She had a Range Rover so we should all fit.

"Shotgun!" I yelled. Everyone groaned out of annoyance and Anna laughed. I got in and grabbed the aux cord.

"Uh play some good music or you loose privileges" Anna said starting the car. I laughed and played my playlist that's full of blackbear, lil peep, and X. Anna turned it up when she heard blackbear come on. I laughed and we all vibed to the music the whole way to the park.

Eva has amazing taste in music. The whole way to the parks she played some of my favorite songs. I pulled into the park parking lot. I parked and everyone got out. Eva Katie and Karina ran to the swings. Rachel Emmi and Ami sat at the tables. Boring. I ran over to where Karina Katie and Eva were and went on the swings with them. I jumped off and twisted my ankle. I fell on the floor laughing.

"Are you ok" Eva said laughing with me. I nodded and she helped me up. I went on rock climbing wall and sat up there. After a few minutes I stood up and jumped down onto the spot where the slides are. I didn't notice but there was a few kids there. I looked at them awkwardly and laughed.

"Sorry" I said laughing. I jumped over the railing and went over to Rachel Emmi and Ami.

"Was there kids on that?" Rachel said laughing. I nodded and laughed with her. Eva and Katie came sitting with us. Karina was on her phone sitting on the swings. We started talking and we all got to know Eva more. We left the park at sunset and we got Taco Bell.

"Ok guys let's play truth or dare" Katie suggested walking down to the basement.

"I mean I'm down" I said. We all sat down and began eating.

"Eva truth or dare?" Katie said.

"Truth" Eva said.

"Uhh biggest heart break?" Katie said.

"My ex cheated on me with my best friend" Eva said taking a bite of her taco. Everyone looked at her with an 'Oop' expression. She laughed at us.

"It was like 3 years ago guys chill" she said.

"Ok Anna truth or dare?" Eva said.

"Dare" I said confidently.

"Umm ooh do the weirdest thing that you can do like something you discovered about yourself that's weird" she said. I showed them the thing where I can make my eyes go different directions. Eva gave me a disgusted look and I laughed.

"I said weird not freak-ish" she said. I shrugged and laughed.

"Katie truth or dare?" I said.

"Truth" she said

"Tell everyone your most embarrassing story" I said.

"Umm I shot my shot at some guy who had a girlfriend and a week after he rejected me his girlfriend asked me out but I'm straight" she paused.
"Sadly. So I had to reject her" she said. Wait that's how we became friends. I started dying laughing and so did she. Everyone looked at us so confused.

"It's funny because that story is about me and how we became friends" I said still laughing a little.

"Damn" Eva said laughing a little. We continued playing truth or dare and let me just say we told a lot of embarrassing story's and did a lot of embarrassing dares. We put on a movie and we all cuddled each other and fell asleep.

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