October day 20-27: One week

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⚠️ TW: suicide⚠️

(I apologize... be prepared to cry people)

Me and Eva have been in kind of a bad place lately. She's staying with Katie because of an argument we had. It started because I kept going to parties with Ava and i'd come home drunk, which we've talked about. We talked about how she doesn't like it when i'm drunk but i kind of ignored it and did it anyway, which is completely dumb of me. For about a week she's been staying there and she hasn't even gone to school just because she doesn't want to see me. I'm pretty sure she's going to break up with me or at least say she needs a break. I really don't want to lose her. I'm on my way to Katie's right now, to apologize. I need to tell her how much i love her and i need to prove it. i'm not going to stop being friends with Ava, nor am i going to stop going to parties with her. But i will stop coming home drunk. ill drink a little but i won't get as drunk as i have been.

"why are you here Anna?" i asked a little irritated.

"i just wanted to apologize. i love you and i don't want to lose you. i am so sorry for not being considerate of your wishes and i promise it won't happen again. i completely understand if you want a break or something but i want you to know i'm truly sorry and i love you to death" she said calmly. i looked down. she seems sorry. but maybe a break would be good. we haven't been getting along great the past few weeks. maybe time apart would be good.

"Anna... time apart would be good for both of us i think. ok? ill stay here and you can go home. only a couple of days maybe a week? ok i love you, be safe driving home" she nodded and left. well this is going to suck.

day one from anna's pov-
i laid in bed pretty much all day. i called my school said i was sick. i watched a little bit of tiktok. i didn't eat much. i drank some coffee. i played minecraft. and i listened to music and cried. i just miss having her in my arms. even though it's just a break it feels like we're broken up, we don't text, or facetime, she doesn't come over, it's like we're strangers again.

day one from Eva's pov-
i hate this. i miss her. i just want to kiss her and hug her. literally just to be in the same room as her would be enough. Katie's been comforting me. she makes sure i eat and drink at least a little bit of water. i just can't get her off my mind. i keep picking up my phone, hoping she called or texted and i didn't notice. but she hasn't. maybe this break wasn't a great idea...

day two from anna's pov-
i can't do this. she's all i had going good for me. i just want her to be here so i can cry on her shoulder. this break is the worst thing we've ever done. i love her so much and it kills me.

day two from eva's pov-
this is good for us. it has to be. it's good for our relationship. it's going to give us both time to think about everything and have time to ourselves. right?

day three from anna's pov-
i haven't eaten or gotten out of bed all day. i used the bathroom once but that's it. i don't have the energy to do anything. all i want to do is hear her voice.

day three from eva's pov-
"you gotta get up dude. you'll see her again in a couple days, well that is if you get your ass up and eat something" katie yelled pulling me off her bed. i shook my head.

"no she has no one there with her. her mom is mostly at work and brandon doesn't go in her room. tommy doesn't live there. she's alone dealing with this. that means i should be too" katie shook her head and let go of my arm causing me to fall on the floor. i just laid there.

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