October day 4: Will you...

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The fall dance. One of my favorite dances that our school has thrown every year. The first dance I'm going to take Eva too. Yes, I could've taken her to homecoming BUT we weren't dating yet so the fall dance is the next best thing. I'm asking her today since it is tomorrow and she's been talking about it. Ava is taking my ex, Olivia and I'm surprisingly ok with it. Ava has been saying "if you don't want me to take her I won't" or "if it's weird I won't take her I'll go by myself". No matter how many times I say it's ok she doesn't listen. I mean at least she's a good enough friend to make sure it's ok with me to take my ex to a dance.

Anyways, me Eva Katie Karina and Ava are shopping right now. We went to the mall right after school. Kinda just to hang out and for Katie and Karina to get to know Ava more. We've just been walking around the mall. I swear we've done at least 8 laps around the whole mall. We've barely gone into any stores, but I mean quality time right?

"Can we get froyo?" Eva asked for the millionth time in an hour. Everyone groaned.

"Sure bub we can get froyo now" I said grabbing her hand dragging her to the froyo shop we passed for the 3rd time. Karina Katie and Ava were giggling behind us and Eva had a big bright smile on her face. She's so goddamn cute. We walked over to the cups and she grabbed a small one. I looked at her.

"What?" She asked still smiling.

"You know you want the big one" I said with a smirk. She rolled her eyes playfully and put the small one back grabbing the big one. I giggled and grabbed a medium sizes one. Eva started filling up her cup and I followed behind her getting a mix of different flavors. She only got two. Boring. After we filled our cups with the froyo stuff we went over to the counter and put toppings on it. She put a bunch of chocolate chips and cookie doe. She also put chocolate syrup on it. I put on my toppings and payed for our froyo while we waited for Ava Karina and Katie to finish making theirs. I think this is a good time to ask. Well maybe I should mess with her? Yea I'm gonna do that. She's gonna kill me for this...God this is more nerve racking than when I asked her to be my girlfriend.

"Evaaa" I said smiling.

"What?" She giggled.

"You know how the fall dance is coming up?" She smiled super big. "Well do you wanna do a friend thing with everyone and we can match?" I said taking a bite of my froyo. Her smile quickly faded into a straight face.

"Yup sounds good" she said avoiding eye contact. Perfect. She has no idea...

I purposely left Eva to get a ride with Katie and Karina. Normally I'd GLADLY take her home with me in my car but this time I needed some time to prepare what I had planned to ask Eva to the dance it's kinda silly to go all out just for a dance proposal but I know this means something to her and I want it to be perfect.

At home-

Ugh I can't believe Anna left me to get a ride with Katie and Karina. They were being so much more annoying than usual. AND I also can't believe she would rather "do a friend thing" for the dance rather than going with me as a couple. But whatever I guess. We will still be there together but I don't know I kinda wish she just asked me right there in the middle of a freaking froyo shop. God Eva get a hold of yourself. You act like you have some middle school crush on her. Well i do but it's not a crush I'm in love with her.

"Eva, bub" Anna said grabbing my waist from the back as I continued to make us food. We've been switching off cooking for each other and she's teaching me how to make new foods since my cooking skills kinda suck.

"Yes?" I said laying my head back on her shoulder, still cooking.

"When you're done meet me in the backyard. Ok?" She said.

"Um ok" I said. She kissed my cheek and walked outside. I continued cooking but I kept looking back to see what Anna was doing. She was on one of the lawn chairs scrolling through her phone. I just shrugged it off and finished making the food. Once I was finished I made a plate for each of us and brought them to the backyard like Anna asked me too. I walked outside and...Oh. My. God. So this is why she left me at the mall. There was a small canopy with white Christmas lights strung around it adding some nice calm lighting. There was a big teddy bear set up against a wall and it was holding a card. I couldn't quite read what it said. Anna also put the love sac from the basement out here.

I turned my head to see Anna kinda dressed up. She was in black dress pants and a white t-shirt with her prada chain on. She looked great as usual. She was standing there smiling with something behind her back.

"What'd you do?" I asked.

"Nothing. I can't just treat my beautiful girlfriend to a little outside date night with the food she cooked?" She said giggling. I shook my head and set down our plates. She walked up to me and kissed the side of my head. With her hands still behind her back she told me to sit down. I listened. Obviously. She stood there and smiled. I gave her a confused smile as she pulled a poster out from behind her back.

I raised an eyebrow and she opened the folded up poster. Revealing the question I've been waiting for her to ask. The poster read "Eva will you go to the fall dance with me?" I laughed at how corny this whole situation is.

"Anna of course I'll go to the stupid fall dance with you" I said giggling. She smiled and put down the poster walking up to me tackling me onto the love sac. I giggled and gave her a long soft kiss.

"I love you stupid" I said.

"I love you too dummy" she said giggling. She sat up and grabbed our plates handing me one. We ate, talked, made out a bit, cuddled, and watched the stars. After a while of cuddling I felt myself falling asleep in Anna's arms. Best night ever.

Drop ideas please I'm running out but this chapter was fun to write. New chapter in a couple of days besties😩

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