The other side of her

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Anna woke my up by lightly sucking on my neck. I moved a little and she stopped. She propped herself up with her elbow and looked at me. I looked back at her giving her a small smile. She returned it and leaned down for a kiss. I kissed her back and she ran her tongue along my lip. I slightly opened my mouth letting it enter. Our mouth moving in unison I turned her over and straddled her hips. Her hands rested on my thighs as I took off my shirt. I threw it to the side and looked back at her. She must've fallen asleep in just a bra and sweats cause that's all she had on. I leaned back down and kissed her again.

After a few minutes of making out she moved down to my neck. She left what felt like deep dark hickeys all around my neck and along my collarbone. I let out a few moans under my breath. She detached her lips from my neck and pushed me back so I was laying on the bed. She hovered above me and glanced down to my bra asking to take it off. I quickly nodded and she leaned down to kiss me again. Her left hand held her up so she stayed hovering above me and her right rapped around my back as she unclipped my bra. She completely took it off and threw it to the side. She hovered above me and did what seemed like admiring my body. She looked back up at me and smiled.

"Your so perfect" she whispered on my lips. I felt my face heat up and I attached my mouth to hers. She slowly moved her hand up and down my body exploring every part of it. She eventually stopped at my waist band and ran her finger along my waist between the fabric and my bare skin. I nodded still holding the kiss. She then slid my pants and underwear off in one motion. She broke the kiss and left kisses everywhere. It took everything in me not to start begging her to hurry up but I managed. Well at least for as long as I could. As she left kisses all on my thighs and occasional hickeys I closed my eyes and threw my head back.

"Anna please" I whimpered. She kissed up my v-line and up my stomach. Once she got to my breast she stopped and lifted herself up again.

"Be a good girl and be patient. I'll give you what you want just let me take my time" she whispered. I pursed my lips and nodded. She smirked and started sucking on my neck again. I let out a few more moans under my breath. Just as I was about to say something again she started rubbing my clit slowly. I let out a small gasp at the contact of her cold hands. She moved her thumb in circles keeping a consistent speed the whole time. I let out light moans holding eye contact with her as she hovered above me. I opened my mouth to say something but I was quickly cut off by her inserting a finger. I let out a slightly louder moan as she picked up speed. I closed my eyes and gripped the sheets as she went even faster. I let out another moan as she added a much needed second finger. I threw my head back and gripped the sheets tighter causing my knuckles to go white.

"R-right th- there" I moaned out throwing my head back. She started slowing down and I let out a whimper of frustration. I opened my eyes seeing her hover above me with her eyes closed and her fingers in her mouth. "I didn't finish yet though" I said out of breath.

"Who said we were done?" She whispered in a low tone. I gulped and she moved down my body holding eye contact with me. She attached her mouth to my clit flicking her tongue back and forth. I put my hand on her head and tangled my fingers in her hair. I pushed her lower and she put her tongue inside me curling it and licking up and down. I let out a string of loud moans and whimpers as she inconsistently sped up and slowed down. I felt myself getting closer and that's when she removed her tongue and licked up my body. She came back up to my face and kissed me. She inserted two fingers once again making me arch my back at her immediate speed. She pumped them in and out of me making loud moans escape my mouth hardly being able to kiss her back.

"F-fuck I'm g-gonna c-um" I yelled throwing my head back again. Soon I came all over her hand. My eyes stayed closed as she licked over me for a few minutes cleaning me up. She came back up to my face and kissed me again. I lazily kissed her back still out of breath.

"See what happens when you have patience?" She whispered on my lips. I swear seeing this side of her is my new favorite thing. I looked in her eyes as she gave me a devilish smirk. She got off me and picked me up. My legs were shaking like crazy and I was sweating a lot. She set me on the counter and walked over to the shower. She turned it on and stood between my legs waiting for it to warm up.

"Good morning baby" she said smiling.

"Good morning bubba" I said giggling a bit. She gave me a small kiss and walked back over to the shower. She put her hand under the water and adjusted it a bit before walking back over to me and picking me up. She took me to the shower and helped me stand up. She undressed herself and got in behind me. She helped me get clean and then washed herself. The warm water helped my legs a bit but they were still sore.

She turned off the shower and got out. She helped me out and picked me up setting me on the bed again. She walked over to the bags and grabbed two pairs of black sweats and two grey and white hoodies. She grabbed both of us bras and underwear. She walked back over to me and helped me get changed. I love the way she takes care of me after railing the absolute shit out of me.

After she got herself and me dressed she turned on anime for me and we laid down watching for a few hours before I felt her fall asleep.

I woke up to the sound of people pounding on the hotel door. I was kind of scared because Eva was pretty loud this morning. I got up and walked over to the door. I opened it seeing Katie Karina Chris and Mason at the door. I let out a sigh of relief. I thought it was Mr. Mathews. They had pizza and a two-leader of soda.

"Hey guys" I said moving so they can come in. They all walked in and Katie set down the soda and pizza.

"Baby. Baby" I said shaking Eva.

"Hm?" She hummed.

"Our friends are here they brought food" I said giggling. She opened her eyes and looked over at them. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. I laughed and turned her face pulling her in for a kiss. She pulled away smiling and I kissed her forehead.

"Ok ok enough of making us feel all single" Katie said. "Also nice hickeys Eva" she added. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"How many pieces you want baby?" I asked opening the pizza box.

"Uhhh two" she said leaning against the head board. I grabbing four pieces separating them into twos. I gave her two and had two for myself.

"I love you bubba" she said taking a bite.

"I love you too" I said kissing the side of her head.

"And thank you for this morning. I had fun" she whispered just loud enough for me to hear. I smirked and nodded. We talked and ate pizza with everyone for a few hours. They left the rest of the pizza and soda here before leaving. I have a feeling Katie and Karina are gonna end up dating Chris and Mason. Karina kept flirting with Mason and they even shared a slice of pizza. And Katie was literally glued to Chris at the hip. The only time she wasn't right next to him was when he went to the bathroom or she did. I just observed them still managing to give Eva the attention she deserves. A few hours after Katie Karina Chris and Mason left me and Eva fell asleep.

Hope you enjoyed🌚

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