Bonfire pt 2

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I made sure to set an alarm 20 minutes before the bonfire started so we can get ready. Speaking of which it just went off. I picked up my phone and turned it off. Eva got off me and stood up with a big stretch. I never noticed but she makes a cute face when she stretches. I giggled and stood up.

"Wanna match?" She asked. I love when she says that. I find it absolutely adorable that she wants to show off our relationship rather than hide it. I smiled and nodded giving her a quick peck.

"Of course I do" I said pulling away. She smiled and walked over to our bags that we still haven't unpacked. She pulled out the flannel and hoodie I wore on like the 3rd day in New York. She handed it to me along with some jeans. She pulled out a plaid crop top I didn't even know she had along with some jeans. She went into the bathroom to change and I just stayed by the couch. I quickly changed and ran upstairs to spray some cologne I got for Christmas a few years back. My dad got it for me because he knows I'm not very feminine. I am sometimes but not very often. I quickly sprayed a little bit around my torso and went back downstairs. I walked down to the basement and she was on the couch.

"Where'd you go?" She asked standing up putting her arms around my neck.

"To my room" I said wrapping mine around her waist.

"You smell good" she said with a smile.

"Thank you. And before you ask what it is I have no clue I didn't read the label" I said laughing. She shook her head and pulled me into a kiss. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked the time. The bonfire starts in 5 minutes.

"We gotta go it's about to start" I said giving her one last peck. She nodded and grabbed her phone as we headed up stairs and out to my car. I opened her door and got in. I gave her the aux and she played music. I rested my hand on her inner thigh and started driving to the location Zack sent me.

We arrived at a clearing in the woods where I'm assuming the bonfire is. Anna got out and walked around to my side opening my door. She helped me out of her car and we walked down the trail. We saw people standing around with beers and people smoking. You could here conversations from every direction. I inhaled and smelled the burning wood. I looked at Anna and she was scanning around looking at our surroundings. Soon her eyes met mine and we smiled. We walked over to a group of people that Anna seemed to know. We talked with them and had a pretty good conversation going. After a while Zack came over to us.

"Guys! Christian is gonna play a song" he said patting Anna on the shoulder.

"Ok. C'mon baby Christian is a good singer" Anna said grabbing my hand. We walked over and sat on a log. Everything was fine and Christian was ready to play. Until this girl came over and started looking for a seat.

"Just sit on someone's lap. Everyone here is cool" Will suggested. And of course out of all people she sat on Anna's lap. Anna looked at me and she looked very uncomfortable. She grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers. She put her other hand around her back making sure I knew she wasn't touching the other girl. I couldn't help but feel jealous. Like how could I not be? There was another girl sitting on MY girlfriend. Like the fuck? She's mine. Just as Christian was about to start playing I stood up and looked at the girl.

"Here. Take my seat" I said with my jaw clenched.

"Oh thanks" she said and got off Anna. I immediately sat on Anna and grabbed her hands putting them around me. She laughed and interlocked her fingers holding a tight grip around me. She kissed my shoulder and rested her head on my back. Christian started playing and wow Anna was right. He's really good. 

He played a few songs and Anna was humming the lyrics while he sang them. It was cute. She had her eyes closed and she was holding me tight. She's always in her own world when she is listening to a song she likes. I love it. I love how she likes to make sure everyone knows I'm hers. I love how gentle she is with me. I love how she makes sure to make time for her friends. I love how affectionate she is. I just love everything about this girl. It's amazing how much you can love one person.

I rested my head against hers as Christian finished the last song. She just held me there slightly swaying us back and forth the pleasant sound of the fire crackling and Anna still humming the lyrics to songs. I felt eyes on us but I didn't care. In this moment it just felt like her and I. I soon opened my eyes and saw the girl from before looking at us. She smiled and stood up.

"I just wanted to say. You two make a beautiful couple and I apologize if I made you uncomfortable before" she said in a soft tone.

"It's ok. And thank you" Anna said. I nodded and the girl walked away back to the group she was with before. I stood up and turned around sitting right back down on Anna's lap. This time facing her.

"I love you bubba" I said wrapping my arms around her neck.

"I love you more" she said smiling. She pulled me in for a soft kiss. It was long and perfect. I never thought I could fall so hard for someone. Then again here we are. For the rest of the night we hung out at the bonfire until people started leaving. We left pretty late I'm not sure what time because I fell asleep in the car.

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