Back to school

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Don't roast me country music isn't that bad🌚

Me and Eva have been connected at the hip the whole weekend. We've kissed a few times but nothing else really. The farthest we've gone is we made out and were shirtless. Today's Monday and we go back to school. Eva has like half her clothes here because she's been staying with me. I don't know why but I guess she doesn't really get along with her parents.

I rolled over and grabbed my phone. I checked the time and it was 6. I set my phone down and sighed staring at the ceiling. I must have moved to much or sighed to loud cause Eva moved.

"Did I wake you?" I said rolling over to look at her. She shook her head and cuddled into my side. I pulled her closer to me and began to think. Do I really want her to be my girlfriend? I don't want to hurt her. My last relationship was toxic and he treated me like shit. But it's been a long time since that relationship and I think I'm over that trauma. I really like Eva and I really don't want to hurt her. I gave her head scratches and a few minutes later my alarm went off. I rolled over and turned it off.

"Eva" I said. "C'mon get up we have to go to school" I said moving her off me.

"Ok can you get me clothes though please" she said. I giggled and nodded kissing her forehead. I got up and went to my closet. I giggled at how much clothes she has here. I grabbed us some similar jeans and two of my pink hoodies. I brought them out of the closet and she was asleep. I giggled and threw my hoodie at her.

"Get up lazy ass" I said laughing. She groaned and threw the hoodie back at me.

"Nope that ones for you" I said throwing it back at her. She leaned up and took off her shirt. I stared at her and traced her body with my eyes.

"You know it's not nice to stare" she said giggling. I felt my face get red and I laughed. I went into the bathroom and got changed. I brushed my teeth and did my hair. I peeked out of the bathroom to see if she was done changing. She was just sitting on my bed on her phone. I walked out and plopped down next to her. She sat up and gave me a little kiss. I smiled and got up. I grabbed her arm and pulled her downstairs.

"Hungry?" I asked.

"Eh kinda" she said sitting down. I went to the freezer and grabbed waffles. I put them in the toaster and grabbed the syrup.

"So..." she said. It kind of made me nervous because I felt like she was gonna ask what we are. I must have spoke to soon.

"Anna what are we?" She asked fiddling with her fingers.

"Um I guess we're in the...talking stage?" I said nervously.

"Ok" she said. I couldn't tell if she thought we were more or if we were less? I don't know so I turned around and grabbed our waffles. I put them on a plate and poured syrup on them. I gave her a plate and a fork.

"Are you ok?" I said stroking her cheek with my thumb.

"Yea I'm ok just thinking" she said.

"Do you wanna talk about it? You can always talk to me" I said.

"I'm just processing everything. You know I've practically been living with you and we haven't even been on a date and your saying we're in the talking stage. I don't know it just I guess you took me as one of your hook ups? I didn't think you were even the slightest bit serious about 'this'" She said with air quotes around the end. Hook ups? We haven't even done that what is she talking about?

"Hey look at me. Your not just one of my hook ups. We haven't even done that and i really really like you Eva" I said.

"Thank you" she said smiling a bit.

"For what"

"Giving me the reassurance I needed" she said giving me a kiss. I kissed her slowly and laughed to myself at the taste of syrup on her breath. She pulled away and I kissed her forehead. We kept eating and talking about our plans for the weekend. We decided to hang out with our friends this weekend and hang out together the week days.

Anna is honestly amazing. I just told her what was on my mind and she gave me reassurance that I didn't even ask for. After we ate we got up and left for school. She told me that we have to pick up Katie Julia and Emmi. We made our way to Katie's house. We picked Katie up and went to Julia's then Emmis.

"Hey guys" Emmi said getting in the car.

"Hey" we all said. Anna started driving to school while I played music. We all sang until we pulled into the school parking lot. We all got out and went to our first period. Class was boring as usual. Anna kept poking me making me laugh. Just about 5 minutes before class ended Anna put a note in my desk. I gave her a confused look and she gave me a 'look at it' expression. I nodded and grabbed the note. It said 'can I take you on a date after school' then at the bottom there was two options. 'Opposite of no or yes' I laughed to myself and scribbled in both boxes. I gave her the note and watched as a huge smile formed on her face. I giggled and paid attention to class impatiently waiting for school to end and for our date to begin.

The past 4 chapters were all written in like an hour because last night I was bored and had nothing to do. Also LizCurry30 is the reason I spoiled you guys but I'm done for the night the date chapter will be out tomorrow.

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