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7 days till the senior trip 6 days till the big question

Over the weekend I decided to ask Eva to be my girlfriend the day before the senior trip. It'd be nice if we were official during the 2 weeks we are gonna spend in New York. I already have everything planned out.

You guys will see how Anna asks when it happens👍

I rolled over and pulled Eva closer to me. She giggled and I buried my head in the crook of her neck.

"Good morning" I said into her neck. "I thought my mom would've forced you to leave"

"Well I guess I'm special" she said in a sassy voice. I giggled with my head still in the crook of her neck. I felt chills go down her spine. I smirked to myself and gave her a light kiss.

"C'mon get up we gotta go to school" I said getting up. She rolled over and grabbed my hand.

"Can we skip?" She said.

"What would we do all day?" I said giggling sitting next to her. She grabbed me by my shirt and kissed me. I smiled and cupped her face. I really wish I didn't but I pulled away.

"Ughh why'd you have to ruin it" she said.

"Cause we need good attendance for the senior trip. Don't you wanna spend two weeks in New York together without the possibility of being interrupted by parents" I said with a smirk. She thought about it for a second and then got up.

"Fineeeee" she said grabbing clothes. I got up and started a shower. I undressed myself and got in.

Why does Anna care about the senior trip so much. I mean yea it's 2 weeks in New York but why does she wanna go so bad. Whatever I'll found out sooner or later. I heard the shower stop and Anna opened the door wearing sweatpants and a towel wrapped around the top part of her body.

"I forgot a bra" she said laughing a bit. She went in the closet and grabbed one. She came out and turned around dropping the towel. She lifted her arms and put on the bra. The way her back muscles moved completely turned me on. Oh my god why now. She turned back around and that completely done it for me her abs and the water dripping down her body.

"It's not nice to stare you know" she said walking in front of me.

"S-sorry" I said stuttering. She leaned down and kissed me pushing my back onto her bed. I brought my hands to her waist pulling her full body closer to me. She ran her tongue along my bottom lip. I slightly opened my mouth giving her permission. She pushed her tongue in my mouth as she fought mine for dominance. She ran her hands up my shirt lifting me completely on the bed.

"Are you 100% sure you want to do this? Without having to think about it are you sure? We don't have to if you're not" she said.

"Anna I'm 100% sure" I said pulling her back down.

"Can I take this off?" She said gripping my shirt. I nodded and took it off myself. She looked at my body and smirked making her way to my neck. She left a trail of soft kisses from my neck to my collarbone all the way down to my waist band. She looked up at me again and I nodded. Consent is hot. She pulled down my pants and kissed my thighs. I let out a hitched breath as she ran her hand up my sensitive spot. I squirmed under her as she started rubbing her thumb in circles. She went to my neck leaving what felt like a deep hickey. She detached from my neck and looked at me while playing with the waist band of my underwear.

"Yes Anna just do it already" I said panting. She smirked at me and pulled off my underwear. She ran her hand down my side. She started rubbing her thumb in circles. I let out a small moan in her ear. "Anna jus-" I was cut off by her slipping a finger in me. I let out a loud moan. Her mom left last night and her dad doesn't live here so we are all alone and I can be loud. She pumped her finger in and out of me at a slow pace.

"F-faster" I screamed. She started to go faster I gripped the sheets with my left hand and the headboard with my right.

"Holy shit Anna" I yelled throwing my head back. She pushed in another finger making me arch my back and roll my eyes to the back of my head. She went back to neck leaving more hickeys all over. Our friends are gonna have a kick out of this. She went down and latched her mouth onto me while still pushing her fingers in and out of me.

"Holy fuck Anna I'm gonna cu-" I was cut off by a loud moan and I released all on her fingers and in her mouth. She pulled her fingers out and licked me clean for a few minutes while I still let out small moans.

"Holy shit Anna" I said as she came back up to my face.

"You ok?" She said letting out a light laugh.

"Yea why wouldn't I be that was amazing" I said pulling her into a kiss. "Can you help?" I said moving so my legs were hanging off the bed.

"Yea" she said laughing. She walked over and picked me up. "Hm I wonder why your sweating?" She said with a smirk. I lightly slapped her and she set me down on the counter. She started a shower and helped me in. She cleaned me up and brought me back to her room. She gave me clothes and helped me get dressed.

"Hello why the fuck weren't you two at school" I heard Katie yell from downstairs. Anna gave me and 'oh no' look. She quickly got me dressed. I was barley able to walk but I had to pull it together so that Katie wouldn't find out. Me and Anna walked downstairs.

"Hey Katie" Anna said.

"Why weren't you bitches at school they were talking more about th- OH MY GOD THATS WHY!" Katie yelled.

"What?" Anna said. Katie smirked at me.

"Nice hickey Eva" she said. Shit I forgot about those. I felt my face turn bright red so I turned around and went down to the basement. I laid down on the couch and went on my phone. My legs are sore as hell.

"Leave her alone ok" I said.

"Not my fault your a fucking sucker fish" Katie said laughing.

"Haha so funny I forgot to laugh" I said. I went downstairs and Eva was in her phone. I sat next to her and she turned her phone off. I leaned down and gave her a kiss. I felt her smile into it and deepened the kiss. I pulled away and laid next to her. We watched tik tok and hung out with Katie for the rest of the day.

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