The old runway

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We made our way back to the hotel. Katie just kept going on and on about how it was messed up that Anna didn't ask her for help asking me out.

"Katie!" Anna yelled. "Chill. I only asked Karina because of how close she lives to me. Plus I wanted to do it at a later time and it would've been past your curfew so I didn't want you to get grounded for sneaking out and helping me" she said in a rush.

"Oh. Ok sorry" Katie said in a low voice. Anna sighed and gave her a side hug. She gave me a lazy smile and we walked into the hotel lobby. Anna immediately went and sat down waiting for Mr. Mathews. I sat next to her and watched as she scrolled through her socials. I got bored of what she was doing after a while so I pulled out my phone. She looked over at my sudden action and looked at my screen when it turned on.

"Where'd you get that picture" she said grabbing my phone. I tried to take it back but she stood up.

"Um... I may or may not have taken a picture of you while you were playing Minecraft and set it as my wallpaper" I said standing up.

"It's cute" she said. "Sit down" she added as she pushed my into the seat. She sat next to me and turned my face pulling me in for a kiss. She took a picture and held the kiss a little longer.

"There" she said. She set it as her wallpaper and smiled at me. I rolled my eyes and rested my head on her shoulder again.

"Hey guess what?" She said giggling.

"Hm?" I hummed.

"I love you" she said. I felt a big smile come to my face.

"I love you too" she giggled and rested her head on mine. We both just scrolled through our phones for a while. Soon Mr. Mathews came back.

"Of course you 6 are early. Did you all get a chance to introduce yourself to one another?" He asked. We all looked at each other and shook our heads no. "Well Anna and Eva I'm assuming you two know each other considering I've seen you two kiss twice now. This is Katie and Karina, chris and mason, Will and Christian. As you can tell Will and Christian are twins. We didn't plan to have you this early so go get some pizza or something. Interact with each other and make friends. Go" he said practically pushing us out the door. We all sighed and turned to each other.

"Christian you didn't tell me you had a brother?" Anna said.

"Well I do he just goes to a different school than us" he said. Anna nodded her head.

"So pizza? Before I die from Anna's social awkwardness" Katie said. Anna rolled her eyes and we started walking to the pizza place we went to. We walked in and ordered a large pepperoni pizza. Anna paid and we started walking back.

"Wanna swim? I heard there's a hot tub" Karina said. I looked at Anna with an 'oh no' look. Everyone agreed and me and Anna just bursted out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Chris said.

"Nothing...just nothing" Anna said still laughing a bit. We went back to the hotel and through the pool gate. Me and Anna were still laughing about the whole situation with the hot tub.

"Can you go get swimsuits? For us and Katie and Karina please?" I asked Anna.

"Of course" she said. She kissed my forehead and went up to our room.

"Literally how?" Katie said.

"Oh god what now" I said turning to her.

"How the hell is your guy's relationship so good? Your seniors in high school. And if you don't go to college together you guys most likely won't stay together so again How the fuck is your relationship so good" Katie said.

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