New girl pt 2

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I pulled into my driveway and got out going around to Eva's side. I opened her door and helped her out.

"Thank you bubba" she said pulling me into a kiss. She started getting a little aggressive and I pushed her back against my car. I pulled away and looked at her. "Your brothers aren't home right?" She asked rubbing her hands up and down my shoulders.

"No they're at my dads" I said letting out a small laugh. She she smirked and grabbed my hand dragging me inside the house. I closed the car door and hit the lock button on the little remote. She stopped at the front door and I looked at her with a smirk. I unlocked the front door and walked in immediately taking off my shoes. Eva did the same and pulled me into an aggressive kiss. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I brought her down to the basement and into the bedroom she didn't know about. I laid her on the bed and started unbuttoning my flannel without breaking the kiss. I got to the last button and undid it. I took my flannel completely off and pulled away from the kiss. Eva leaned up and took off her shirt.

"Why didn't you tell me there was a room down here?" She said out of breath from our make out.

"I guess I just forgot about it" I said pulling her back in. I ran my hand up and down her thighs that were still around my waist. I brought my hands up to her waist band and just as I was about to pull her jeans off my phone started ringing. I pulled away and took my phone out of my pocket.

"Ignore it" Eva said pulling me back in. I kissed her again for a second before pulling away again.

"It's Ava. She's probably here" I said hovering above her.

"Fine. But you owe me this"

"So I owe you now?" I said answering my phone. I looked at Eva and she nodded.

"Hey Ava" I said laughing.

"Hey I'm outside" she said.

"Ok I'll be out in a sec" I said and hung up.

"Told you" I said quickly giving Eva one more kiss. I quickly ran up to my room and threw on a t-shirt. I ran back downstairs and opened the front door letting Ava in.

"Hey. Nice house" she said walking in.

"Thanks" I said shutting the door. I went down to the basement and into the room. Eva was still laying there shirtless on her phone. I laughed and picked her up.

"Anna! I don't have a shirt on hello!" She said trying to squirm out of my grasp. I laughed and set her on the couch. I went back in the room and grabbed my flannel and put it on her. I buttoned it up and kissed her. She gave me an 'I hate you' look. I giggled and kissed her again.

"I love you baby" I said holding myself in front of her face.

"I love you too bubba" she said smiling. She grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me so her mouth was by my ear. "You still owe me" she whispered. She let go of my collar and I heard someone clear their throat.

"Should I go back upstairs or?" Ava asked.

"No it's fine come down. The other two possibly four people will be here in a bit" Anna said. Ava nodded and came downstairs. She sat down on the farthest couch from us. I think this one would be a better choice but ok. I laughed to myself and Anna sat next to me. She pulled out her phone and turned on Bluetooth. The speaker turned on and I looked at her. She went to her music app and played 'Cartier' by Bazzi. I shook my head and laughed. I laid my head on her shoulder and looked over at Ava. She had her head rested back and she was lip syncing the song. I nudged Anna and pointed at her. She laughed and threw a pillow at Ava. Oh god here we go. Ava's head shot up and she set down her phone. She threw the pillow back at Anna and stood up holding a pillow in each hand.

She threw one at Anna and hit her with the other. Anna tackled her to the ground. They laughed and started wrestling. Anna got her in an arm bar and Ava laughed and started trying to squirm out of her grasp. She eventually got out and stood up. She took off her backpack and t-shirt leaving her in a sports bra. Anna took off her shirt as well and threw it next to me. Anna tackled her again and they started rolling around on the ground. I laughed and rolled my eyes. I just watched as they practically tried to kill each other. I guess this is their way of bonding and having fun cause they were laughing the whole time. After a while of getting on top of each other and throwing each other around Anna got Ava in a head lock.

"Tap out if you need to" Anna said laughing. Avas face started getting red and she had her hand hovering over Anna's arm. After a few seconds she tapped Anna's arm three times and she let go. They laughed and looked at me.

"I swear you guys are 12 year old boys trapped in 18 year old girl bodies" I said laughing. Anna shrugged and laughed.

"Thirsty?" She asked Ava.

"Yea" she said and sat down. "Fuck fuck fuck" she mumbled under her breath.

"Everything ok?" I asked.

"Yea my uh my controlling dad called me like 50 times" she said throwing her phone to the side.

"Oh. So what does that mean? Do you need to stay here or what?" I asked.

"No I live with my mom he try's to get in contact with me every few months and I guess he chose this month" she said running her hand through her hair. I nodded and Anna came back downstairs. She had a Red Bull a water and a kool-aid.

"Here baby" Anna said handing me the kool-aid. She handed Ava the water and opened her Red Bull. We talked with Ava for a while getting to know her a bit more. Anna's phone kept going off. She finally grabbed it and checked we notifications.

"It's Katie. She's spamming me saying sorry cause she forgot we were supposed to hang out" she said laughing. I rolled my eyes and laughed. I laid my head on Anna's lap and closed my eyes. "You tired baby?" Anna said rubbing my head.

"A little" I said.

"You can go to sleep I have to go anyway my mom wanted me home like 25 minutes ago" Ava said getting up.

"Ok. Bye cya tomorrow" Anna said. Ava waved and grabbed her bag going upstairs. "C'mon let's go to sleep" Anna said picking me up. She carried me upstairs and into her room. She laid me down and turned of the lights. She got under the covers with me and we fell asleep.

Cartier is one of my favorite Bazzi songs🌚 if you haven't heard it listen to it

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