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Thanksgiving day-

I woke up snuggled into Anna's side. Surprisingly I was the first one awake. I looked at Anna and she looked so cute sleeping. We've been flirting the past two days. If I say something flirty she brings back the same energy. Which I like but I'm wondering if she's playing along or if she likes me. I honestly need to stop thinking like this. I don't want to have feelings for her. We only met a couple weeks ago. I must have been staring at her thinking for to long.

"Why are you staring at me sleeping you creep" Anna said in a raspy morning voice. Ok that just effected me in so many ways.

"I looked at you and accidentally spaced out" I said laying back down on her chest.

"It's fine" she said rubbing my back. I felt myself fall back asleep.

After Eva woke me up I couldn't fall back asleep. I just stared at the ceiling until I heard Karina wake up. She looked at me and smirked. I gave her a 'what' face. She pointed to Eva and how she was snuggled into me. I shrugged and smiled. She shook her head and went upstairs. I just laid there for a few more minutes before I felt Eva move. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Well good morning...again" I said giggling a bit.

"Good morning" she said. She got up and went to the restroom. I got up and went upstairs. Karina was making breakfast because we all agreed we would switch off making food. I sat down and went on my phone until Eva came back upstairs.

"Anna can you help make dinner I have to start now for it to be ready by the time the game starts" Karina said. I nodded and got up. I went out to the garage and got the turkey out of the fridge since it's been defrosting in there since yesterday. I brought it inside and began preparing it. I kept feeling eyes on me but I ignored it. I went to the pantry and grabbed potatoes. I began peeling them and putting them in the mixer. After I peeled all the potatoes I started the mixer and I must have had it on the highest setting because it sent potatoes flying.

"Anna what the fuck" Eva yelled laughing. I laughed and turned the mixer off.

"Well that was... something" I said wiping potato off my face. I laughed and turned the mixer to the medium setting and turned it back on. Katie and Rachel cleaned the potatoes and Eva helped me and Karina cook. We were kind of flirting the whole time. I kept wiping potato on her or throwing something at her. We would just laugh about it. After I got done cooking everything else I put the turkey in the oven and let it begin to cook. I went and sat next to Eva.

"I'm bored" she said turning to me.

"Same" I said giggling. "You guys wanna go in the pool?" I suggested.

"Yea I'll go" Eva said.

"Nah I don't want to go right now plus I have to watch the turkey so it doesn't burn" Karina said. Everyone except Eva didn't want to come. I went upstairs and she followed I grabbed our swimsuits from last night and gave her the one she was wearing. I went into the bathroom and changed.

Well this should be fun. We've been flirting back and forth for the past week and we almost kissed the other day. I got changed into my swimsuit and waited for Anna. Again she looked amazing when she came out of the bathroom.

"Ready?" She said grabbing towels.

"Yup let's go" I said. We went downstairs and everyone looked at us.

"We didn't think you guys would actually go out there without us" Karina said laughing. Anna shrugged and opened the back door. I walked out and she came out behind me. She set our towels down and I got in the pool. She came over and jumped over me landing in the pool.

"Holy shit it's cold" she said.

"Not really" I said leaning against the pool wall. She splashed me and dove under the water.

"Little bitch" I said diving under. I looked around the pool and she was sitting at the bottom waving at me. I pushed myself towards her and she swam up. I closed my eyes and went up to splash her back. On my way up I hit my head on her chin.

"Ow fuck!" She said laughing a little.

"Oh my god I'm sorry" I said giggling.

"It's fine are you ok?" She said rubbing my forehead.

"Yea I'm ok" I said.

I heard Anna yell so I looked outside and she was holding Eva's face just like the other day.

"Guys come look at this" I said. All the girls came to the window and Katie gasped.

"Ooh who wants to bet they're gonna kiss" Katie said.

I was just staring in her eyes. Her beautiful brown eyes. She glanced down at my lips and I took my left hand down to her waist pulling her closer to me. Her breathing became heavy and I could feel her breath on my lips.

"Anna..." she whispered. I pulled her even closer to the point where there was no space between us. I pulled her in by her neck and placed a slow passionate kiss on her lips. I put both my hands on her waist and she put hers on my neck. Our lips moved in unison. This moment felt so right yet so wrong at the same time. I just met this girl and now I'm kissing her in my pool on thanksgiving day. She slid her tongue along my bottom lip and I let it enter. I pushed her back a little so she was up against the pool wall. We just kissed nothing else but it was perfect well that's until Karina Katie Rachel Ami and Emmi came outside clapping.

"Oh my god guys you just had to ruin it didn't you" I said pulling away.

"Well you guys had to catch your breath at some point. Also the food is ready and I didn't make all that just for you guys to come out here and fuck in the pool" Karina said. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Eva. I could tell she was still trying to process what just happened. I mean I was too but I had to pull it together in front of my friends. They're the ones that accused me of liking her and I'm not letting them think.. well know that they were right.

Am I fucking dreaming? Did that actually just happen? She literally just kissed me with pretty much no hesitation. Well whatever it was I wanna do it again. We all went inside and me and Anna just listened to everyone talk about us kiss. She didn't change her energy at all. She still threw food at me every once in a while. She even stole some of my food. We ate and watched the football game. We kept flirting all through dinner. After we ate me and Anna went down in the basement. I used the bathroom and when I came out she was laying on the couch on her phone. I walked over and laid on her. She turned off her phone and kissed me neck giving me a small squeeze. I snuggled into her neck and fell asleep.

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