Hot tub

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Don't play song yet😏

I woke up to Anna jumping on the bed. I grabbed her ankle and she fell laughing.

"Well good morning to you too" she said still laughing.

"Good morning" I said. "What time is it?" I asked.

"I don't know like 7 am" she said giggling. I laughed at her and grabbed my phone checking the time. Dang good guess Anna. It was exactly 7 am. I put my phone down and tacked her attacking her face with kisses. She giggled and rested her hands on my hips.

"Wanna take a shower?" She said. I smiled at her and nodded before pulling her into a soft kiss. I got off of her and grabbed us towels and each of us a change of clothes. I walked into the bathroom and she was facing away from me taking off her last pieces of clothing. I giggled and got undressed as she waited for me already starting to shower. I got in the shower and she smiled at me. I grabbed a shampoo bottle and she took it out of my hands. She put some on her hand and started washing my hair for me. I smiled and rolled my eyes at her.

After our shower we changed. I didn't even realize but I picked us matching outfits. We were wearing ripped mom jeans and oversized graphic t-shirts. I guess we didn't really have anything that we had to do today so it was just a chill day. Me and Anna went to Katie and Karinas room.

"Hey guys" we said at the same time walking into there room.

"Hey" Karina said.

"We're bored" Katie said walking out of the bathroom. I looked at Anna and she smirked at me.

"I can rent a car and we can go drive around the city?" She said excitedly. Katie's face lit up.

"Ooh Yea. We can get pizza and go to this smoothie place I read about last night" she said.

"Oh my god. She was up until like 3 researching this place. She kept playing videos on full volume and I didn't get any sleep" Karina said. I laughed and so did Anna. Karina rolled her eyes and threw a pillow at us. We talked for a little longer until Anna started getting impatient.

"Can we go now I wanna explore this city soooo bad" she said. I laughed at how childish she was acting. I gave her a kiss and nodded. She jumped up excitedly and pumped her fists in the air. This girl is so goofy sometimes but I love her for it. I still need to find a way to tell her. Katie and Karina laughed at her and got up. Karina grabbed their key card and we walked out. All the teachers are on the next floor so we don't necessarily have to sneak out. Anna pulled out her phone and started looking for car rental places.

"I found one. It's about 2 miles away" she said. "I guess we're getting a little workout" she said. I laughed and grabbed her hand interlocking our fingers.

"Oh yea Anna I'm assuming she said yes?" Karina said. Wait what?

"Yea she did"

"What are you guys talking about" Katie said.

"Katie I'd like you to meet my girlfriend" Anna said. I love hearing that come out of her mouth.

"Wait you guys made it official?! When and why did Karina know but I didn't?!" She said.

"Karina helped me. And because I was grounded and she was banished to her house" Anna said. I laughed at the last part. For the rest of the walk we talked and I kept catching Anna staring at the big buildings we passed. She would smile at the pride billboards. It was cute. After about 10 minutes we arrived at the rental place.

"Just a basic four door car" Anna said to the front desk guy. He nodded and opened a drawer on his desk. He gave it to Anna and told her to sign in a bunch of different places. I'm guessing it was a contract saying we will bring it back and we won't crash it.

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