Water tower

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2 days later-

I've been teasing Eva every chance I get. I'll slip my hand on her thigh whenever I have the chance, or I'll randomly pin her against walls. Its pretty funny to whiteness her be all flustered over me and not being able to do anything about it. My goal is to get her to break before prom. Like way before prom. Maybe even today. Not gonna lie though I regret making the deal. We've been making out like all the time now because we can't do anything else. Well we can but the deal. She walked into class and she looked pissed. I just had her pinned against her locker so now she's all flustered. She sat down and stared in front of her. I laughed and looked at the clock. 10 minutes before class starts. I smirked to myself and slipped my hand on her thigh. She took a deep breath and stayed staring in front of her. I moved it higher and she grabbed my wrist.

"Anna I swear to god if you move that hand any higher I'm gonna make you fuck me in front of all these kids. I don't care about the deal I shouldn't have agreed to it" she whispered. I laughed and took my hand off her thigh.

"You wanna call off the deal?" I asked still laughing. Only because I'm on the verge of ripping her clothes off when we get home.

"Yes oh my god yes" she pleaded.

"Fine. But no sex for the rest of the week and then I'll do whatever you want" I said quietly. Dammit Anna you fucking dumbass.

"Ok" she said. We sat in silence for the rest of the time until Mr. Mathews came in. It's just a week.

This is torture. At least I can touch her now but I still can't have what I want. The bell rang after what felt like 30 seconds. I must have spaced out thinking about unholy things. I saw Anna grab my bag and stand up.

"C'mon baby" she said putting out her hand. I grabbed her hand and we walked out of class. She started walking and she passed my second period class.

"Uh Anna that's my class right there" I said trying to stop her.

"I know we're leaving though" she said walking out of school. Uh ok. I followed her out to her car and got in. She put our bags in the back and got in next to me.

"Where are we going?" I asked as she started the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

"You know how I hung out with Ava yesterday?" She said.

"Yea. Why?" I asked kinda worried.

"Well she took me to an old water tower with a nice view over a cliff. As soon as I saw it I knew I wanted to take you" she said smiling. I felt myself starting to blush. I covered my face and giggled. She brought her hand to my chin and stroked my cheek. I smiled at her and she put her hand on my thigh. After a while we arrived. You could just barley see the top of the tower over the trees. She got out and came around to open my door. She helped me out and started leading me along a trail. Soon I could see the bottom of the tower. I looked up and it was really tall.

"Scared of hights?" She said nudging my shoulder.

"No I- no" I stuttered. She laughed and grabbed my hand dragging me towards the tower.

"Go first just in case you fall so I can catch you" she said moving me in front of her.

"What do you mean in case I fall" I asked looking up at her.

"It's a bit wobbly going up" she said laughing. I took a deep breath and nodded. I slowly started climbing the ladder. I got about 3 steps away from the top when the wind started picking up. "Oh no Eva come back down the tower is shaking!" Anna yelled up to me. I started to panic and go down the tower. I felt my grip loosen and I let go.

I just stood there. Watching the girl I'm in love with fall from about 20 feet in the air. As she came closer to me I panicked. I started adjusting myself to be able to catch her. Soon I felt the small girl fall in my arms. I fell to the ground holding her. I let out a sigh of relief. I caught her. She's gonna be ok. I looked down and- FUCK. Her head hit a small rock. I picked up her head and there was a small amount of blood on her head and the rock. Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK. I quickly pulled out my phone and called 911.

"911 what is your emergency?"

"I need an ambulance my girlfriend fell off the water tower a few miles away from the park. I caught her but she hit her head and she's bleeding" I said in a rush.

"Ok there's an ambulance on the way. In the meantime why don't you apply pressure and try to stop some of the bleeding?" She said. I set down my phone and put it on speaker. I took off my shirt and pressed it against Eva's head. She told me to just keep pressure on it and the ambulance should be there soon. I held her in my arms and kept her close. Soon I heard sirens. As the sirens grew louder I started taking Eva closer to the car so the paramedics would have easier access. I got to the end of the trail just as the ambulance parked. They got out, prepared the stretcher and came over to me and Eva.

"What happened?" One of the paramedics asked.

"Well she was going up the tower and I- I don't know she just fell. I caught her but her head hit a rock" I said running my fingers through my hair. He nodded and began examining Eva's head.

"We have to run some tests so we're gonna take her to the hospital. You can ride with her or-" I cut him off.

"I'll ride with her and get my car tomorrow" I said. He nodded and they got her on the stretcher. They loaded her up and I got in. Seeing her like this breaks my heart. She looks dead. It's scary. You see this kind of stuff in movies and you think they're over reacting but when it happens to you you're just like wow. Soon we got to the hospital. They rushed her in and told me to wait in the lounge. I nodded and went into the lounge. I sat down and put my head back knowing it'd probably be a while until I got to see her. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I woke up to someone shaking me. It was the doctor.

"What? Can I see her?" I asked looking up at him.

"Yes of course. We ran a few tests she doesn't have any brain damage but she got stitches and she sprained her ankle from the impact of the fall so she'll be in a boot for about a month" he said. I nodded and stood up. He led me to her room and opened the door. I walked in and saw her smiling at me. I gave her a light smile and looked back at the doctor. He walked out and closed the door behind him.

"Hi bubba" she said sitting up.

"Hi baby" I said sitting in a chair by her bed. "How do you feel?" I asked grabbing her hand.

"I'm ok there's not really any pain right now" she said rubbing her thumb back and forth on my hand. I nodded and sat back. "Lay up here with me" she said letting go of my hand. She scooted over and patted the space next to her.

"Are you sure. I don't wanna hurt you" I said standing up.

"You won't hurt me c'mon" she said pulling me on the hospital bed. I rolled my eyes and climbed in next to her. She immediately laid me back and cuddled into my side. I giggled and looked down at her. I could see where they put the stitches. I leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on the spot. I felt her smile against my stomach.

"I love you so much" I said rubbing her back.

"I love you too" she said. We laid down for a while and talked. Not long after the doctor's first check in we both fell asleep.

So this chapter sucks.

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