First date

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Finally school is over and me and Eva can get ready for our date. I got so excited when Eva agreed but I kinda gave her no other choice. I picked up my book bag and grabbed Eva's hand walking out of class.

"C'mon we have to go" I said dragging her out of class. She giggled and followed me. I dragged her out to my car and opened her door. I went around to the drivers side. I started the car and gave her the aux. She played 'star shopping' by lil peep. I giggled and grabbed her and interlocked our fingers. She looked at me and I smiled. I drove us to Dawson and Steven's diner and she got excited. I smiled and pulled into the parking lot. Before getting out of the car I gave Eva a little kiss as the song ended. She smiled and pulled away giggling. I got out of the car and walked in with Eva's hand in mine.

I haven't actually been here but I've heard about it at school. It's really nice from the outside. There seems to be a thing with Coca Cola because the sign has Coca Cola bottle caps on either side and the whole inside is covered with neon Coca Cola signs. We went over to a table on the far side of the diner and sat down. A waitress came over and gave us menus.

"Do you guys know what you might wanna drink?" The waitress said.

"Yea can we both get a coke?" Anna said. The waitress nodded and walked away.

"Do you know what you want?" Anna asked me.

"No but I'm thinking just a classic burger" I said.

"Same" she said laughing a bit. I laughed with her and kept flipping threw the menu. Soon the waitress came back.

"Have we decided?" She said setting our drinks down. Anna looked at me waiting for me to answer.

"Uhhh Yea can we both just have a classic burger?" I said.

"Yup" the waitress said writing it down. She smiled and walked away. Anna looked back at me and we made eye contact. She smiled and grabbed my hand. She played with the singular ring that was on my index finger. It gave me butterflies.

"So what's your thing with lil peep?" She said taking her hand away.

"I don't know it's just his music got me through a lot and I guess I just never got tired of it. Why do you not like when I play his music?" I said taking a sip of my soda.

"No I love it I just wanted to know because you play him a lot" she said smiling. I giggled and we continued our conversation.

"Um so wanna play... 20 questions?" She said.

"Ooh Yea" I said.

"Ok I'll go first. What's your favorite thing to do when your bored?" She said. Weak question but ok.

"Probably listen to music or hang out with friends... or you" I said. She giggled at the last part.

"Ok what about you?" I said.

"Um probably cook" she said.

"What's-" I got cut off by the waitress coming over with our food.

"Here you go" she said setting down our burgers.

"Thank you" we both said. I smiled at Anna and ate one of my fries. We talked for a while getting to know each other better.

"Are we doing ok over here?" The waitress said coming up to us. Me and Anna nodded and she walked away. Me and Anna finished our food. She tried to argue with me about paying.

"Eva I'm paying" she said snatching the check out my hand. I sighed and rested my head on my hand watching her pull cash out of her wallet and write down a tip. She looked up at me with a smile on her face. More of a smirk but it was cute. She put the cash at the end of the table and got up and put her hand out for me to grab. I grabbed my phone then her hand standing up. She interlocked our fingers and said thank you to our server. We walked out to her car. She opened my door and went to the drivers side. She got in and interlocked our fingers again. She started driving back to her house rubbing her thumb back and forth on my hand. She soon pulled into her driveway. She parked the car and we got out. She opened my car door and we walked to her front door. She opened it and we walked into the kitchen.

"Thank you I had fun" I said draping my arms around her shoulders as she leaned on the counter.

"Any time" she said putting her hands on my waist. She leaned in for a kiss. It was slow at first and then it started to get more aggressive. She ran her tongue along my bottom lip and I let it enter. She pulled me in by hips pulling me closer to her. She moved her hands down to my thighs. She lightly lifted me off the ground and I wrapped my legs around her hips.

I carried her up to my room closing the door. I walked over to my bed and laid her down. I broke the kiss and looked at her.

"Are you sure?" I said. She just nodded.

"Eva are you 100% positive you want to do this?" I said staring her eyes. She thought for a second and before she could say anything I kissed her forehead and sat next to her. She sat up and looked at me.

"Hey it's ok there will be other times" I said kissing her cheek. She nodded and I felt a tear hit my lips as I pulled away from her cheek.

"Are you ok" I said wiping her tear.

"Yea it's just with my exes if I said not they'd get mad at me and either tell me to leave or they'd ignore me for the rest of the night" she said sniffling a little.

"I would never ok? If you don't want to we don't have to" I said kissing her forehead. "Movie night?" I asked. She smiled and nodded. I picked her up and walked to my side of the bed. I sat down and rolled her off me. I grabbed my remote and handed it to her so she can pick. She put on some anime movie. I tried my best to pay attention but I thought it was boring. I soon felt myself falling asleep.

Ahahaha you thought. Not this chapter maybe in like 3 or 4 I will write one of those chapters for y'all. Anyways have a good day/night/ afternoon.

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