Chapter 7: Sai Of The Root

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"Sa- ...'' Naruto was in deep sleep, most of the time she slept she was snoring. But this time was different, she was mumbling something incoherent over and over again.

Her dream this time was peaceful, usually she had nightmares, always moving her left to right vehemently... It was peaceful. Her lips were curled up in a small smile, her hands where tight around her pillow.

Her mumbling continued...



Sai was currently painting a picture, but it was so late. His face showed total concentration, he seemed determined to perfect the painting.

"There..." His monotone voice spoke triumphedly. He slowly got the painting and hanged it on the wall, Sai put a lot of work in this piece. He was a weird guy, nobody understood him... Well apart from her... But Its understandable why he wasn't understood, he smiled when he was sad, angry, curious and irritated! He was a weird guy.

Sai was too occupied with looking at the painting that he did not notice the presence in the room. "Sai..." A raspy voice said from behind him. He recognized the voice so he wasn't startled. "You're getting sloppy, Sai."

A smile was all he gave in response... Wait, a fake smile was all he gave in response. The air was thick in the room... Maybe they had history?

"Danzo-Sama wants you to accompany our... Tool." The man said nonchalantly, it was clear that he come for business only. Danzos business at that.

Sai got what his comrade meant, by tool.

"I like the painting by the way."
Those wore his last words, he disappeared in a gust of wind and leaves.

"Tool, huh?" Sai's smile was still on. He was calm... "So Danzo-Sama is making his first move."


"Naruto, You're going to mount myōboku with me. Now." Jiriaya told Naruto. He seemed serious, that was rare. "Get your things and-

"Sorry if I am interrupting, but I couldn't help but over hear your conversation..." Danzo said casually, he was like a male, worse version of Sakura.

"By over hear you mean eavesdrop?" Jiriaya asked irritated.

"What do you want, Danzo?" Tsunade was irritated too, how could he come at a time like this? His roots? No...

"I want one of my best, to accompany Uzumaki-san. "

"And who's that?" Jiriaya asked looking out the window again.

Danzo simply smiled, "Sai."

"Yay! Sai's coming too!?" Naruto was excited for some reason. She didn't know Danzo.

He was a one eyed conundrum, curse the day he was born... What a bastard.
What to do next... Tsunade could only but accept his request. With out the council, there is no Hokage... She was more like a puppet.

Danzo left shortly. His presence was nauseating... "Power is invisible if used correctly..." Tsunade spoke. " Naruto-hime, pack your things and you'll start off tommorow morning, ok?"

"Sure baa-chan, I can't wait to see where Ero-senin became bad ass shinobi!"

Jiriaya only smiled at the complement. "Get going, gaki."

Naruto could only pout at bring called gaki, she was turning seventeen soon, "Ok. Bye bye!". She ran out.

End Of Flash Back

"I think it's time I got started. " Sai got his luggage and and to the gates, it was too early, 5am in the morning me, and he looked pretty good. He was disciplined.

Sai sat there for another two hours waiting patiently. Her voice rang in his ears, her gentle sweet voice.

"No Ero-senin! I don't want to look like a frog!"

"It's mandatory! You have to look like a frog to use sage mode! If you master it, you won't look like one, but I fought that a dander head like you could master such and intricate justsu"

"Shit no! I don't wanna do it then!"

"You're doing it weather you like it or not, gaki."

Naruto swallowed hard, he just changed his chakra... "O-ok, sensei!"

"Good girl, hime, I might buy you all the ramen in the world if you master this!

"Really?! Thank you Ero-senin!" Naruto was on the moon.

They continued walking to the gate. They where to noisy. Sai in the hand was sitting waiting for them. He looked troubled.

"Sai!" Naruto shouted his name "I missed you!" Naruto jumped on him. He looked like he was blushing, for seconds though. "I missed you too, Naruto."

"Let's go, " jiriaya said getting protective, he didn't like boys around his hime, she was too innocent..."We are going to use a reverse summoning. Gamakichi will summon use to mount myobōku... Hold in to something."

Naruto latched on to Sai, his face was nonchalant, but his heart was beating wildly.

A poof of smoke surrounded them, even before they realised it they were there. It was a sight to behold. The frogs, the plants, the trees... The frogs!

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